persistent base install v3
Material Utilities - required install
Clintons3dPlugin.rsx - version 1638456(Aug 28 2024) required install
A version comes pre-installed in the Unofficial trueSpace Updates -
UU version does not have the toolbar button and some small internal code differences.
- Reset the Default Context if any toolbars have been modified
- install the persistent base if not already installed
- install new rsx plugin if needed
- install the Material Utilities
- drag the node into the link editor and press the install button
- delete the node from the scene after install is complete
Update - update the list with any changes to the materials.
If nothing is selected the first item in the scene will be selected first.
- Home End - move to the beginning or end of the list
- PgUp PgDn - move through the list one page of 8 items at a time.
Row details - left to right
- Active - select for Select, Edit and Delete operations
Status Color -
- White is no material instancing
- Green is scene instanced material
- Yellow is scene instanced material not assigned to anything in the scene
- Black is no material
- Material Preview
Name - add/assign a name to the material node. Type the name below
then press to make it happen.Must be pressed after typing a new name
- Name Input - will show as "N/A" if the material does not have a
name and will show as "NULL" if the name has no value
Bottom Section
Select - select the objects that use the selected material
Edit - edit/load the selected material into the material editor.
Delete - delete the selected scene instanced material that is not assigned to any
object(Yellow status).
- Material Utilities - open the material utilities panel
- Selected Only - only show materials for the selected objects
- Edit Force Copy - when Edit is pressed force the creation of a new material,
otherwise use the correponding material editor settings.
- Include Dimensions - include the materials of dimension objects
- Scene Instanced Only - get the list directly from the scene 'Materials' encapsulator.
- is most useful for scene instanced materials or scenes with a small number of renderable objects
- not compatible with object instanced materials
- materials must be in material list form - "Material List" node contains the material nodes
use the Material Utilities to convert
- the top of the panel will show how many materials were found and the index range of the
currently displayed materials. The indices start at 0.
November 16, 2024
- remove curve objects from the display
- option only display for selected objects
- option copy material to be edited
- option include dimension objects material
- option scene instanced - goal was to speed up the process but it looks like the most time is spent in the copy of the material to the panel display
August 28, 2024
- does not require stack view for proper updates
- does not require any selections to work
- requires new rsx plugin
August 15, 2024
- does not close other panels
August 14, 2024
- Material Utilities button was not using load on demand - fixed
- Allowed opening multiple panels - fixed
- Installer fixed Scripts Manager not loading or unloading, CCFunctionSet updated with correct path to the script
August 13, 2024
- uses "standard" floating panel
- load on demand install type
- forces panel view open and if nothing selected selects th first item in the scene - all
required for the panel to update
- open panel resets to the top of the list
- home and end buttons adapted from UU version
- smaller material preview and fewer buttons - not so busy
- new materials utilities button
- "no undo" script commands to update the panel
- auto press update button adapted from the UU version
- Page Up and Page Down may have been reversed in previous version
December 19, 2023
- added some checks for non-existing nodes and some error messages