
-- Animation --

Set From Timeline - Sets the Start and End frames from the scenes Start and Stop frames.
Set From Keyframes - Sets the Start and End frames from the scenes Keyframes or the selected object in Object Render mode.
Start Frame - Frame to start rendering from.
End Frame - Last frame to render.
Start Number - Number start with for file sequence.
Zero Padding - Number of leading zeros to use when padding the number for the file name.

Start - Batch Render - Creates XML files for frame range specified in Start Frame to End Frame and spawns the YafaRay renderer to render the frames sequentially in the background. After the images are rendered, the generated XML files are deleted.

Delete XML file after render - Delete the generated XML file on render completion.

Start console window minimized - If checked the console window open then minimize.
With this option checked the console window will no longer pop-up when the render engine is spawned. This is very helpful when batching a sequence of renders.

 -- Output Render File  

View - If enabled YafaRay will render the Workspace view.
Camera - If enabled YafaRay will render the Camera view.
Width - The width of the image rendered.
Height - The height of the image rendered.
> - File name for image output. This is where the rendered results will be saved .
Open Output Folder - Open windows explorer to the rendered image.
Render Animation - Exports XML file and spawns the YafaRay renderer.
Cancel Render - press button to stop the animation render.

-- Model view --

Model Processing - will render animations from an open Model view.
Model Mesh Processing - will render shape animations of special meshes: NURBS, metaballs and deformations.
Protect Workspace - Opens Protect Workspace.
Backup - Opens Protect Workspace and performs a backup of the scene
Restore - Restores the Backup
Name - Protects changes to object names
Materials - Protects conversion of Workspace materials to Lightworks materials
Lights/Cameras - Protects changes to Light's Angle, and Camera's FOV attributes
Matrix - Protects changes to transformation attributes

IMPORTANT! Close Model view before using Protect Workspace - Backup or Restore

Steps to process Model animations from the Anim aspect, with the main view in Workspace and no Model view open

check Model Processing

  1. Press the Backup button and Save your scene
  2. Switch the main view to Model and open new Workspace 3D view
  3. Press the Render Animation button
  4. When the render has completed, switch the main view to Workspace
  5. Press the Restore button
Steps to process Model mesh animations, NURBS. Metaballs, or Deformations from the Anim aspect, with the main view in Workspace and no Model view opened

check Model Mesh Processing

  1. Check Model Processing
  2. Press the Backup button and Save your scene
  3. Switch the main view to Model and open new Workspace 3D view
  4. Press the Render Animation button
  5. When the render has completed, Switch the main view to Workspace
  6. Press the Restore button

WARNING! Switching layouts will crash trueSpace if you do not Exit trueSpace first.
Rendering with the main view in Workspace and a new Model view may also crash trueSpace.

-- Sequence Player --

Plays a sequence of images in a loop.
File Dialog - File browse dialog for selecting a sequence of images.
Off On - Stop Play
Count - Enter the amount of images in the sequence of images.
Right click the display to Reset.