
-- Background Settings --

Background Type Background Shaders

Color - Color to use for Constant background shader.
Power - Power of light cast by the background.
Transparent - Render Background as Transparent.
Materials Transparent Refraction - Materials refract the Transparent Background.
Transparent must be selected for this option to work.
Preview - Makes a D3D Preview in the Workspace scene by inserting a Sphere and Lights if Use IBL is enabled.
The Sphere and Lights are inside the YafaRay4tS.RsObj, and are not used by YafaRay.
Preview Scale - Sets the size of the Preview Sphere.
Casts Shadows - Background light casts shadows.

- Image HDRI/IBL -

Use IBL - Use the background as a Lighting Source.
Probe - Sets background image type to Light Probe.
Sphere - Sets background image type to Spherical Projection.
Smart Blur - Reduce noise when using HDRI textures for lighting.
IBL samples - Number of samples to be taken when doing lighting calculations from background image.
Rotation - Horizontal rotation of background image.

- Gradient -

Sky - Zenith color.
Ground - Ground color.
Sky Horizon - Sky horizon color.
Ground Horizon - Ground horizon color.

-Sun Sky -

Select - Select the light inside the YafaRay node used to represent the Sun.
It can be moved but not rotated. It always points to the center of the scene.
# To Sun - Transfers the Sun Direction numbers to the position of the Preview Sun Light.
# From Sun - Transfers the Sun Light position from the Preview Sun Light to the Sun
Sun Casts Shadows - Enables Sun Sky shadows
Use Sun - Enables Sun
Sun Direction - X, Y, Z component of the Suns vector position.
Power - Amount of Sun light added to the scene.
Background Light - Enables background light calculations.
Night - Renders the scene with the Sun acting as the Moon.
Caustic Photons - Enables the generation in the Photon Map.
Diffuse Photons - Enables the generation in the Photon Map.
Turbidity - Controls the density of particles in the air. The higher the value the more sunlight will be diffused into the sky.
Horizon Brightness - Controls the brightness of the horizon colors.
Spread - Controls the edge transition of the horizon.
Sun Brightness - Controls the brightness of the sun.
Sun Size - Controls the size of the sun.
Backscatter - Controls the sun's color appearance and the halo around it.
Samples - Reduces Noise and better glossy Reflection.

Color Space - Color processing types for the Background.

Exposure - Lighting multiplier.
Brightness - Controls the brightness of the sky.
Altitude - Adjustment relative to the Background center.
If Altitude increases, the Background Horizon lowers.

YafaRay Official Docs Darktide Sunsky

- Fog -

Fog Type - Selects the fog types:

Step Size - Sets the step size value.

Adaptive - Turns adaptive fog calculation on.
Optimize - Turns optimize on.

Turbidity - Fog density.
Alpha - Fog alpha parameter.
Sigma - Fog sigma parameter.

YafaRay Official Docs Background Settings