Camera -
Camera that has been set to render from.
Set Camera -
Sets the selected Camera.
Aspect Ratio - Pixel aspect
Camera Type-
Camera type for YafaRay to use.
Convert Camera -> YafaraCamera - converts a standard trueSpace camera to a YafaRay version.
Aperture - Aperture size.
DOF - Depth of Field.
Type - Bokeh type.
Bias - Bokeh bias.
Rotation - Bokeh rotation.
Scale - Horizontal size of image plane.
Angle - Horizontal
opening angle of the camera.
Max Angle - Maximum angle visible.
Circular - Blend out areas outside the Max Angle Circular
Mirrored - Mirror
X-direction. Use for generating Light Probe images.
Area Render - Enables Area Render. Used to render a portion
of the view.
X Start - Left starting coordinate.
Y Start - Top starting coordinate.
Width - Width of view area to be rendered.
Height - Height of view area to be rendered.
View - If enabled YafaRay
will render the Workspace view
Camera - If enabled
YafaRay will render the Camera view
Width - The width of the
image rendered
Height - The height of the
image rendered
> - File name for image
output. This
is where the rendered results will be saved
Render - Exports XML file
and spawns the YafaRay renderer