All YafaRay4tS lights have a built in Color Picker. Select the Color aspect for advanced color options.
Color - Light color.
Power - Intensity multiplier.
Caustic - Enable light to shoot Caustic Photons.
Diffuse - Enable light to shoot Diffuse Photons.
Photon Only - No direct light.
Render - Make the light visible in the rendered output.
Color - Light color.
Power - Intensity multiplier.
Samples - Number of samples for shadows.
Caustic - Enable light to shoot Caustic Photons.
Diffuse - Enable light to shoot Diffuse Photons.
Photon Only - No direct light.
Color - Light color.
Power - Intensity multiplier.
Size - Light cylinder radius in world units.
Caustic - Enable light to shoot Caustic Photons.
Diffuse - Enable light to shoot Diffuse Photons.
Photon Only - No direct light.
Angle - Angle of shadow casting cone.
Color - Light color.
Power - Intensity multiplier.
Samples - Number of samples used for calculating lighting and shadows.
Caustic - Enable light to shoot Caustic Photons.
Diffuse - Enable light to shoot Diffuse Photons.
Photon Only - No direct light.
Color - Light color.
Power - Intensity multiplier.
Samples - Number of samples used for calculating lighting and shadows.
Caustic - Enable light to shoot Caustic Photons.
Diffuse - Enable light to shoot Diffuse Photons.
Photon Only - No direct light.
Angle - Angle of shadow casting cone.
Color - Light color.
Power - Intensity multiplier.
Hotspot - Angle of the light cone hotspot.
Soft Shadows - Enable soft shadows.
Soft Samples - Number of samples used for calculating lighting and shadows.
Soft Shadow Fuzziness - Amount of blurring to the Soft Shadow.
Caustic - Enable light to shoot Caustic Photons.
Diffuse - Enable light to shoot Diffuse Photons.
Photon Only - No direct light.
View - View from light. With light selected adjust the location of the light with the View Widget.
Render - Make the light visible in the rendered output.
Color - Light color.
Power - Intensity multiplier.
Samples - Number of samples used for calculating lighting and shadows.
Caustic - Enable light to shoot Caustic Photons.
Diffuse - Enable light to shoot Diffuse Photons.
Photon Only - No direct light.
Angle - Angle of shadow casting cone.
Color - Light color.
Power - Intensity multiplier.
Caustic - Enable light to shoot Caustic Photons.
Diffuse - Enable light to shoot Diffuse Photons.
Photon Only - No direct light.
IES Data File - Use the File dialog to select an IES Data file to use.
Example: C:\trueSpace761\tS\SupportFiles\IES Files
Generate IES Preview - Generates the IES light in the Workspace scene.
Soft Shadows - Enable soft shadows.
Samples - Number of samples used for calculating lighting and shadows.
View - View from light. With light selected adjust the location of the light with the View Widget.