SPPM Lighting
Stochastic Progressive Photon Mapping
-- Anti-Aliasing Settings --
Filter - 3 Anti-Aliasing reconstruction filters to use when resampling:
- Gaussian - Slight blurring
- Mitchell-Netravali - Improves sharpness of the edges Default
- Box - Equal weighting of all samples.
Min Sample - Number of samples to use on
first Anti-Aliasing pass.
Pixel Width - Width of Anti-Aliasing pixel
filter. [0-8]
Passes - Maximum number of Anti-Aliasing
Inc Sample -
Number of samples for additional Anti-Aliasing passes.
Threshold - Color threshold for additional
Anti-Aliasing samples in next pass.
-- General Settings
Ray Depth - Amount of times that rays can
be reflected in specular surfaces or pass through transparent surfaces.
Transparent Shadow depth - Amount of
transparent surfaces that shadow rays can get through to find light sources.
Gamma In - The default gamma value for all
colors, lights and textures.
This value is used to convert these values to
linear color space used by the Yafaray renderer.
Gamma Out - The gamma value target for the
rendered image.
CPU Threads - Number of CPU threads used by
YafaRay. [-1] All threads.
This number should be equal to the number of CPU
threads in your computer or minus one if you find that using all the
CPU threads bogs down your computer.
Normal Shadows / Transparent Shadows -
Switches from Normal to Transparent Shadows.
Save Alpha - Exports an alpha file in
addition to the RGB output file.
Z - Channel - Enable the Depth Channel in
the output file.
Clamp RGB - Color depth is reduced to a low
dynamic range before Anti-Aliasing filtering.
-- Additional Settings
Photons - Number of photons to use.
SPPM Passes - Number of passes.
Bounces - Number of bounces.
Radius Factor - Radius to search for
diffuse photons.
Search - Maximum number of diffuse photons
to be filtered.
PM IRE - Initial radius estimation.
-- Output Render File --
View - If enabled YafaRay
will render the Workspace view.
Camera - If enabled YafaRay
will render the set Camera view.
Width - The width of the image rendered.
Height - The height of the image rendered.
> File name for rendered image output. This
is where the rendered results will be saved.
Open Output Folder - Opens the folder
entered into the above path.
Render - Exports XML file and spawns the YafaRay renderer.
YafaRay Official Docs Lighting Methods