YafaRay Texture Map

Gamma - Amount of Gamma for the Image Map.
Attribute Name - Used for the Yafaray render engine.
Use the File browse dialog button to choose an Image file.
None - Removes Texture Map.
Image - Enables the use of the Image file.
Clouds - Enables the use of procedural Clouds.
Marble - Enables the use of procedural Marble.
Wood - Enables the use of procedural Wood.
Voronoi - Enables the use of procedural Voronoi.

Switch - Generates the Texture Map.

Blend- Amount of blending between the Blend color and the Material color.
Color - Blend and or Procedural texture color. A sort of a secondary color, to be mixed with Material diffuse color in procedural textures and in the No RBG feature.
X Offset - Texture Map U/X offset.
Y Offset - Texture Map V/Y offset.
Z Offset - Z move for 3D textures.
X Scale - Texture Map U/X scale.
Y Scale - Texture Map V/Y scale.
Z Scale - Z scale for 3D textures.

Texture Coordinates - UV, Global, Generated.
UV is for uv mapped objects
Global: the texture uses the scene's Global 3D coordinates for mapping.
Generated: the texture uses the object's local 3D space

Projection - texture projection mode: plain, cube, sphere, tube. Use plain for uv mapped image textures

Negative - The effect of the Texture is negated.

NoRGB - use the texture to to blend the Material main color and color set in Color Swatch

Blend Mode - mix, add, muliply, substract, screen, difference, darken, lighten, overlay

Note about: The YafaRay material’s T button
LMB - Opens this Texture Mapping panel where you can enable one of the above options
RMB - Opens Settings for any assigned Procedural - Texture Map in a floating window
There are no Settings for None and Image