Backfaces(BF) - additional display options to show back faces in transparent and transparent wire display modes.
Hidden Lines(HL) - additional display options to show hidden lines in transparent wire display mode.
Cnt - a count of all the visible objects in the layer including group members but not including the groups themselves.
Grp - number of groups and the number of items in the group. Format is "#groups(#items in the groups)"
Reload - same as pressing the refresh button on a web browser.
Initialize - set the layer to the initial state based on the scene objects.
Group Count Notes:
The group counts make it easier to visualize the size of a layer selection. Ex 1 group with 98 visible parts, select by layer will only select the 1 group.
Groups inside other groups will add to the group count
Actors are groups
Bare skeletons are counted as groups with 0 members
Skeletons are created on layer 0
A simple actor added to a layer will count as 1 group with 2 members, the skeleton and the mesh
The tank girl with handles sample will show as group 1(0) when loaded into a scene with 3 no layers objects. It will show as 2(4) when added to a layer. The groups are the actor and the mesh group, the items are the 3 meshes and the skeleton
Characters from the library will be made up of meshes in one layer or no layer and their skeletons in another layer. Adding them to a layer will combine the counts based on their structure/hierarchy
The Bobby sample with hair added to a layer shows as group count of 3(4), remove the hair and count is 2(2) so hair was a group with 2 items
If a group contains NURBS it will not show in the group counts because NURBS are special custom groups that are not compatible with normal render attributes processing in trueSpace
Complex group relationships will require some interpretation to make sense of the group counts.
small aspect does not have controls for hidden lines or hidden faces or group counts
UU9 Differences
UU9 has optional popup panel that opens with the scene
UU9 show/hide aspect button
UU9 Quick Processing is Off by default
This version does not connect to modelside.
The script will read modelspace layer numbers, but not the wireframe color.
The internal html window does not work in windows xp
Quick Processing increases the speed of adding to a layer, removing a layer, hide layer and show layer.
This option was added because a scene with many items will have layer operations that are too slow to be practical
If an operation doesn't work, turn off quick mode and try again then turn quick mode back on afterward.
Children of groups can have their own layers, but if their parent is assigned to a layer the children will follow.
Boolean operations and some hide/show scripts will cause objects to lose their layer assignment.
layer 1 is the default layer for workspace, layer 0 is the default for modelspace
NURBS are special custom groups that count as standalone items
Each Dimension will count as 2: 1 for the text and 1 for the graphic part
new scene items don't inherit the layer 1 appearance automatically
trueSpace will make spotlights, projector lights or cameras temporarily visible when they are selected
line profile hair will disappear when an object is added to a layer, changing the hair profile from line to star or circle fixes this.
locking requires installation of the unSelectable script
Works best with the new locking widget Sept 2020
The color picker text input will not update the preview color. This does update the preview when running from an external web browser.
dev note: base tS object render attribute assigned to a group with 1 member, ignores the group and applies it to the lone member
if more than 1 member, it is assigned to the group
tS bug: skinning nodes are detected as renderable by script
the quick processing option cuts some corners - a permanent speedup for all functions may be possible with hashing and/or tracking the layer changes
December 22, 2023
copied workspaceLayers from the UU dated March 2023, it has some kind of AddToLayer fix
January 8, 2023
dont open layers if no webserver
remove "Re-Hide Camera and Light ORA"
January 6, 2023
fix camera and spotlight show and hide layers
works with the dimensions script objects
fix bug when protect curve color was stopping lock and visibility updates when adding or removing from layers
protect curve color expanded to include dimension graphic color
removed ReconnectAllObjectHiderNodes - new show/hide technique does not disconnect
November 8, 2021
fix bugs when working with group objects
fixed couple of minor quick processing bugs
fixed blank display mode bug
November 2, 2021
added quick processing option
May 28, 2021
added trueblue UU changes to reduce the number of undos used by the layers system
remove layer object render attribute fix
remove layer added confirm dialog
May 8, 2021
fix multiple reconnection of object hider node
fixed color display on small aspect
fixed backfaces and hidden lines set when add to layer
fixed ora visible in stack view after add to layer
remove layer - all objects go to layer 0 - no ora changes to match layer0
add button to hide exported camera and light ora panel
May 3, 2021
refactored to work with groups in a more generic way - also full support for deeply nested groups
layer 0 and 1 always appear in the list of layers
disconnect object hider if present in cameras and lights - can be reconnected from the new RMB panel button
fixed to work with lights that do not have render attributes
fixed remove layer bug
add to layer - bug: backfaces and hidden lines not used - fixed
capture websocket errors
auto convert hair option
auto open small aspect option
fixed NURBS processing
April 22, 2021
small aspect taller to fit the color picker properly