LibraryPlaceTemplate required
Clintons3dPlugin rsx required
Status Message required to display status messages properly.
Floating Panel script required to open new floating panel - otherwise opens in the stack view.
- install the persistent base if not already installed
- drag the node into the link editor and press the install button
- delete the node from the scene after install is complete
- unzip the LibraryPlaceTemplate into the trueSpace root directory - something like...
- C:\trueSpace761Std
- C:\trueSpace761\tS
- right click for the Manage tab to create, select or modify an existing library place
- left click for the floating Default tab to save objects or scenes with automatic incremental backups and option to temporarily change the titles of the libraries.
- the file menu save buttons can be used after the library place is setup
- Library Types - select items in the list to create libraries of the indicated type.
The defaults are Objects, Renders and Scenes.
- Open Render Library - when checked will open the Render library, many images in the library can slow down the library browser, so it is disabled by default
- Add Library - choose a new library or libraries to add to the existing place and press to create them
- Create/Open Library Place - open a folder browser to select or create a new folder to hold the libraries.
The selected template libraries are copied into the library place if they do not already exist,
then it opens them in the library panel and the library browser view.
New libraries can be added later by selecting them, pressing this button and reselecting the library place folder. Though it's easier to use the Add Library button.
- Activate Recent Library Place - use the dropdown list and press this button to select a recently used library place
- Open Render Folder - opens the render folder in the file browser. Use the library browser to open it in the library panel.
- Long Titles - temporarily change the titles of the libraries to a longer form.
This is useful for when more than one library place is opened. Open the library tab, press the button then change the size of or scroll the library view to see the change.
The long titles will revert back to normal when you switch tabs.
- Reset - clears the recent places list and sets the default template libraries to Objects, Render and Scenes libraries
File Menu Buttons
- Save Object+ press to save the selected object with a backup, rclick to open the default panel
- Save Scene+ press to save the scene with a backup, rclick to open the default panel
All the functions in this aspect can be better handled by the Manage panel and the File menu.
- Save Object - save the selected object into the Objects library and create a copy in the Objects_BACKUP library.
The name will have the date and time appended to it in the form YearMonthDayHourMinuteSecond.
"FloppyDisk.RsObj" will save as something like "FloppyDisk_20180522204010.RsObj" in the backup library.
- Save Scene - save the current scene into the Scenes library and create a copy in the Scenes_BACKUP library.
The name will have the date and time appended to it in the form YearMonthDayHourMinuteSecond. "Space 3D.RsObj" will save as something like "Space 3D_20180522204010.RsObj" in the backup library.
- Open Browser and Libraries - opens the active library place in the library browser and opens the libraries in the stack view
- Open Libraries - opens the actual libraries in the library the stack view
- Open Render Folder - opens the render folder in the file browser. Use the library browser to open it in the library panel.
- Long Titles - temporarily change the titles of the libraries to a longer form.
This is useful for when more than one library place is opened. Open the library tab, press the button then change the size of or scroll the library view to see the change.
The long titles will revert back to normal when you switch tabs.
- Does not automatically open the Render library because many images can overwhelm the tS library view
- Can be awkward working with several open library places because of repeating folder names - use long titles button
May 20, 2024
- write backup files using filesystem object instead of double save from tS - faster
- reorganized the ui - one big floating panel
- new add library button
April 7, 2022
- fix bug where additional library options are ignored
- new open render folder button
- new temporarily change the library titles
- floating panel added for the library title change function
- install button
September 6, 2021
- fix save object status message bug
- rearrange the panel a bit
August 30, 2021
- fix file menu install for batch processing
- make less awkward to use - removed Create/Activate Library Place button - auto run
- does not use the main trueSpace library automatically - explicit library place selection
- simple status line feedback for long saves
June 15, 2021
- use new status message that times out
- new file menu buttons
- redesigned UI panels
- does not open the render library
- new generic Image library
- new generic Materials library
- update installer
June 21, 2018
swapped left and right button actions