More info here
Quick popup toolbars for point edit, view, point edit widgets and object navigation widget controls.
Also includes material node toolbars.
The point edit toolbar will hide itself by default instead of closing which makes it's operation much faster.
This installer will alter the UU9 version with faster point edit toolbars and add the popups button to the toolbar. It will also install a new DX Components toolbar and a DisconnectInput script and replace the popups list toolbar. No other changes are installed.
persistent base install v3 required
Widget Scripts, June 2024 version install is required
Prerequisite batch installer (Popup version),
easy prerequisite install (Not for the Unofficial Updates)
TODO update with new Widget Scripts or remove and install separate
If the Unofficial Updates are installed skip steps #1 and #3.
Some buttons may require additional installation.
Point Edit Toolbar 2 is Unofficial Update(UU) only
From Cycle button to Triangle Mouse Preferences button requires UU or Updated Navigation Widgets
new uu10 toolbar replacement - requires Widget Scripts
UU shortcuts from widgets so can setup normal toolbar shortcuts to match
Entire toolbar requires Unofficial Updates or Updated Navigation Widgets
A dx components toolbar and a dx shaders toolbar. These toolbars provide direct access to the material nodes found in the libraries. The top button of each column will open the corresponding library. Node will be placed close to the mouse position and the toolbar will close automatically.
These toolbars provide a much faster workflow than using the material libraries.
DxComponents toolbar with the new DisconnectInput button and Choose Connector popup panel.
The trueSpace drag or click to disconnect can fail when used in more complex material node editing, resulting in a crash. If disconnecting links becomes slow use this tool to avoid crashes.
The default Choose Connector panel is a Simple style combobox with up to 4 linked connectors. The combobox will be List style if there are more than 4 linked connectors. If only 1 linked connector it will disconnect without opening the Choose Connector panel. Zero linked connectors and nothing will happen. The Choose Connector panel will close after 10 seconds with no choice made.
All buttons require Unofficial Updates or installation of the light view navigation widgets.
the first step to create a popup toolbar is to make an ordinary toolbar, get it's dimensions from it's frame window and copy it into the /Toolbar Prototypes Encapsulator
the ID and Prototype values of the toolbar need to be set to the same value - for example "MyToolbar"
add a button to the PopupButtonsToolbar
The command for the button will be Activity.Run("Scripts/CustomCommands/Popups/MyToolbar")
create a shortcut for the button
New toolbars are added by copying a set of 3 command nodes found inside /Scripts/CustomCommands/Popups
For example copy PointEdit, HidePointEdit and ClosePointEdit and rename to MyToolbar, HideMyToolbar and CloseMyToolbar
Edit MyToolbar
There will be line like
toolbarData.push( { popup: thisNode, toolbar: "Q_PEElementToolbar", width: 78, height: 145, xOffset: 0, yOffset: 1.1 });
Edit to replace the toolbar value
toolbarData.push( { popup: thisNode, toolbar: "MyToolbar", width: 78, height: 145, xOffset: 0, yOffset: 1.1 });
The position of the open toolbar relative to the mouse is controlled with the width, height and offset values.
create/use one line for each toolbar, the point edit toolbar has 4 lines, the view toolbar has 1
remove any extra toolbar definition lines that are not used
if the toolbar should be closed instead of hidden after pressing one of it's buttons put a check on the Hide node AutoClose
finally edit the toolbar buttons to hide/close the toolbar
add ;Activity.Run("Scripts/CustomCommands/Popups/HideMyToolbar") to the end of the command and the toolbar will hide itself after running the command.
If the toolbar is set for autoclose it will close instead of hiding.
hiding is fast to reopen the toolbar, close is slow to reopen
the popup toolbar button can be set to highlight for hidden toolbars by
setting the TagAlias to /Scripts/CustomCommands/Popups/HideMyToolbar/ButtonHighlight
setting the AgentID to {163F13B6-0BDC-43E9-8C90-CFA6B14221FA}