- Select a scene object and press the button to create the array
- Keep Original Orientation - copies will have the same rotation values of the original mesh
- Axis buttons( X, Y, Z ) set the initial orientation of the array.
- Num Copies determines the number of array elements
- Angle determines the arc angle for the copies.
- Set radius is a 3 step process
- Get - read the current radius value as a starting point
- update the Radius value
- Set - apply the radius change to the Center Control
- Top Radius is used to spiral the arc in or out from the center.
- Height controls the offset from the plane of the array for spiral effects
- Replace Array Element - copy the selected item in to the array
- Select Array Element - select the array element for transformation
- Open in Link Editor - open a link editor window for interactive update when rotating the array element and for unsticking controls if needed.
- Select Center Control button will select the handle that controls the center and orientation of the array
- select all but one - selects all but one array elements after the Disband Array is run
Disband Array - convert the array to a plain group item
video shows usage for radial array version 1 script
Convert to a single mesh object
- select all but one enabled
- press the Disband Array button
- the array will be converted to a simple group object and all the array elements will be selected except for one
- activate the boolean Merge geometry tool - Flatten result and do not Keep drill object
- select the final array element then exit the tool
- 3D Unencapsulate - part of the unofficial truespace update
- After conversion to a group object you can right click the nodes title bar to enter panel edit and immediately
right click again and choose Reset.
- center control translation can be unpredictable. move toward or away from original to control radius then rotate the control if needed.
- Top Radius values less than 0 is "off"
- select al but one option for
- radialarray.html - alternate/original radial array script
September 27, 2019
- radial array 2 based on radial array script - not a complete replacement
- no jumping array elements - smooth updates
- no special combination of meshes for 360 degrees and 0 height
- can set radius independent of the center control
- element rotation on element centers via Select Array Element
- select all but one option to prep for boolean "manual polycombine"
- Oct 8 cleanup last connector - trueBlue