installation instructions here: webui.html - installs both the scene view and color picker
- Click the toolbar button, www, to start the server and open the options panel.
- Select Scene View radio button
- Press the corresponding Open button to open the default web browser to the Scene View page
- Use Firefox or Chrome browsers
- It is more difficult to use when the browser window overlaps the trueSpace window. Dual monitors are recommended for ease of use.
- The top item in the view is the scene node
- visible and hidden icons match the truespace modelside layers - light blue/green is visible , white is invisible
click to switch visibility
- object locking is indicated by a yellow cross , click to make an object unselectable
- locking function requires installation of the unSelectable script
- click item names to select/rename
- ctrl-click to toggle selection of items
- alpha order: arrange in alphabetical order instead of creation order
- Refresh Tree: for when the tree gets out of sync with the truespace scene
- show type: displays the node type - light, camera, skeleton, group etc.
- show bone name: displays the child bones of the joints. click the bone name to select the bone
- color picker link - open the color picker page
Right click context menu:
Some functions require the Unofficial Update (UU) version of TrueSpace
- Expand/Collapse All - expands and collapses the child elements of a node recursively, can be slow for complex hierarchies
- Group3D/Group/Explode Group - all correspond to encapsulation controls in truespace, an open link editor window can interfere with the grouping functions because it will wait for the user to type a name for the group
Remove from group Explode 3D Group - UU required
- Parent - ctrl click to choose the children and parent nodes, right clicked the node that will be the parent
- Unparent - select the child node(s) and remove them from the parent
- Delete - remove the node from the scene
- Open LE to node - centers the node in the LE view
- Open node in LE - look inside the node in the LE view
- Show/Hide - show or hide the node UU required
- Show Selected/Hide Selected - show or hide the selected nodes UU required
- Show All/Hide All - UU required
- automatically updates the Object Statistics node
items that show in the scene view
- lights
- cameras
- mesh
- script
- groups
- skeleton
- parenting
items that do not show in the scene view
- anything outside of the scene node
- sub-nodes materials, render objects, pivots, transforms
- bones are presented as a part of the joints
- combination of grouping/parenting relationships - the nodes will show but the heirarchy will not be correct
truespace actions that do not update the web view
- add a new object to the scene
- grouping
- parenting unparenting
- does not expand the tree to the selected item
- ctrl-click does not work with bone selection. only one bone can be selected at a time
- bone selection does not display as the selected item, it will show the bones parent joint
September 30, 2020
- support for new widget based style of selection locking
- unlocking will remove the locking node - old change from other locking scripts
January 18, 2018
October 28 2017
- object locking
- removed unreliable selected object indicator
October 23 2017
- removed selection style - toggle vs normal
- removed skeleton selection - joint vs bone
- removed redundant show and hide from the context menu