PRE 2015/UE4 Below this point
The t3d and fbx exporters have been updated
(March 23 2014) to take hidden geometry into account, so
these instructions need an update to express an improved
workflow. April 12 2014 t3d exports animated lights
and spotlight angle and the fbx export was improved so
camera and light animations work. Recently the layers system
was fixed to work with actors. Can now rename
materials in the tag panel? Rename limited to one material
on the mesh?
T3D exporter will export staticmeshes as interpactors
if they have a keyframe applied to them.
T3D script will export cameras, but does not import
T3D script can export a plane as a terrain - assumes
plane is square not rectangular
Export a scene from trueSpace into UDK :
UDNMale psk sample has import skinning problems, fixed by
heal skin with autoskin holes and normalize skin selected.
Truespace standalone version needs a tsx folder. This
can be created from the setup aspect of the script.
PSA export uses the timeline play range.
More Notes:
When importing PSK or PSA files use the 2 buttons.
"..." and "Load PSK" to load a mesh file
and use "..."
and "Load PSA" to load an animation file.
When exporting just use the single buttons "Save PSK" and
"Save PSA".
The PSK exporter does not work with IK handles and locks.
The PSA exporter will make a copy of the mesh without IK
handles and locks and will bake the animation into the copy
before saving it.
The PSK export uses the default pose.
When assigning IK handles for the hips also assign IK
handles for the feet. The feet tend to float around if
they don't have handles. The IK full stop is not
enough to stabilize their motion.
Recommend for each handle to set interpolation to IK, posing
only unchecked and global locks unchecked.
Truespace IK does not work with translation animation of
the hip joint and proper limits must be set to work with
other joints reliably. The PSK importer creates joints
with no rotation limits on the joints. It may be best
to set these limits on IK chains though the imported models
seem to already be bent to a preferred angle.
When importing animation to UDK/UT3 editor uncheck Anim
Rotation Only(bAnimRotationOnly or add the "b_Hips"(assuming
the ut3 psk format) joint to the list of translation bones.
May 19, 2013
Transfer a trueSpace scene to the UDK Game Engine
- A Rough Outline of the process
The Unreal Import/Export and FBX Import/Export script and
plugin sets are used together to transfer a trueSpace scene into
an Unreal level map. FBX is used to transfer mesh and
animation. T3D portion of the Unreal scripts is used to transfer
the scenes initial layout, CSG geometry, Terrain objects, Cameras and
Lights as well as references to the static and skeletal meshes exported via the FBX
The first step is to create a folder to hold all the
textures used in the scene and the exported FBX and T3D
files. Having everything together in one place makes
it easier to maintain and allows the UDK FBX importer to
find the texture files. One trueSpace scene is created with
the layers script used to control visbility. Invisible
objects are not exported by the Unreal and FBX plugins.
Transfer to Lightwave for complex actors:
- character animation in truespace is limited
- have "defaultPose" clip active with the default pose
keyed at frame -10
- export with entire scene with single clip option for
- lightwave does not import spotlights
- do not have spaces in item names (maybe avoid
underscores too?)
- parent to a world null with pitch set to 90 degrees
- copy textures to fbx file destination folder and run
the Rt to fix the path
- export truespace scale = 10
- import lightwave scale = 10
- export to unreal from lightwave scale = 0.1 ?
Plugins and scripts:
- unreal psk/psa/t3d script
- fbx import/export
- layers
- character fk controls
- automatic keyframes
- keyframe interpolation toolbar
- ik handle footprints
- joint orientation helper works to help orient one joint at a time
or zero all joints
- controlSkeletonScript - create fake skeleton and update fake skeleton
(not published yet)
- show joint
rotations - for scripting xyz rotations
- show joint axis orientation
- shows the invisible root joint
- freeze transforms
- old constraint scripts may be useful for some animations
- maybe update near clipping plane control for control of
near and far - far useful for large scenes
- refresh bitmaps useful for moving scene files between
- material converter for objects with non-blankdx style
- lightwave is now an option for creating static and
skeletal meshes
Rules for creating the scene:
BEGINS - renaming a joint breaks animation in truespace
- all objects must be at the scene level, not grouped
- work at a scale of 10 if skeletal meshes used in the
scene, export at scale of 10 or 5, 5 gives 1uu=2cm
- terrain objects can only be created from plane
- materials need to be non-compiled d3d materials similar to
the BlankDXMaterial's node structure
- give all the materials unique names or they will
overwrite each other when imported to UDK
- give all texture files unique names or they will
overwrite each other
- all textures must be size power of 2
- max texture size 4096x4096
- texture file types -
pcx and
- choose a naming convention for the texture files,
the "---" might be the mesh name if it's the only
texture for the mesh:
- T_---_D = diffuse
- T_---_N = normalmap
- T_---_S = specularmap
- characters only animated with skeleton controls -
full character node motion is not exported by the fbx
plugin - fbx
exports the skeleton and the mesh as seperate items and
joins them via skinning so any animation on the
character as a whole is ignored and only joint animation
exports. the exception is exporting for matinee
mode exports the character as a null so that the whole
character motion can be used in combination with the
standard default mode which gives the normal skeleton
- if the character is animated using only controls and
joints there will be no motion in the matinee style
- if the character is animated as a whole object then
the default export will show no animation but the
matinee will export the motion as a null named after the
- do not have animation keys on the whole object and
the root joint at the same time
- non-whole character(joint/skeleton) is the most flexible way to
animate a skeletal mesh - it works in all cases
- actor joints should have meaningful names
- limbs must be unencapsulated before fbx default mode
- skeleton root is the invisible joint used to move an
- careful of y rotations that go <-90 or > +90, this
condition can result in flipping
- move the whole skeleton to place and rotate the
invisible joint (skeleton root)
- use shape skeleton tool to place the first 2 joints
into position after the root is set
- can use parenting to temporarily resize a scene,
make large scene fit in tS working space
- tS practical limits of 100x100x100 meters - slightly
bigger than the Apollo 11 level
- ut3 default is 1uu = 2 cm, ue4 units is in cm
- csg on boolean subtract a simple mesh from an
existing boolean object or a simple mesh, do not boolean
subtract a boolean object from anything else
- csg exports as triangulated meshes with bad uvs,
easily fixed in the editor - fixed in the ue4 export
- no need to name the csg meshes in truespace
Items that will transfer:
- CSG Add Geometry - any mesh that does not have a
static or skeletal tag, simple subtraction CSG too
- Static or InterpActor meshes - meshes and animated
- Skeletal or CinematicSkeletal meshes - skeletal and
animated skeletal meshes
- Terrain
- Materials and Textures
- Camera and limited animated cameras
- Lights and limited animated point and spot lights
- Object transform animation
- Skeleton joint animation
Skeletal mesh notes:
- freeze mesh transforms with front of the mesh facing in the
+X direction
- triangulate the mesh before export
- vehicle tires will rotate on their Y axis
- create a skeleton with joint spread = 180 in yaw and
roll, 90 in pitch
- create a 2 joint skeleton
- inside the Skeleton node reset the Skeleton root nodes Root
transform connector
- reset the Matrix connector of the Skeleton node
- move the whole skeleton to set the location
of the invisible root joint
- use the shape skeleton tool to position the 2 joints
- build the rest of the skeleton and set joint limits as
- use the joint orientation helper to set the rotation of
a joint - helper can be scaled - or maybe don't use it
except for things animated prcedurally/programmatically in
- use ts unofficial update vertex snap for precision
placement of joints
- do not animate(move) the whole character unless exporting to
matinee mode
- do not animate(move) the whole character and the skeleton root
at the same time - unpredictable
- animate the skeleton root with ik/fk controls or direct
selection - see character fk controls script
- be sure to remove any animclip nodes and animtrack
connectors from the skeleton - so all animclips are inside
the actor instead of the skeleton.
- there is a process from the doom3 scripts to transfer
animated skeleton to an actor with the animclips placed in
the actor.
- unencapsulate Limbs before exporting via fbx
- the info panel cannot be trusted - seems to show
bounding box center of actor instead of matrix values
- set a keyframe to lock in the default pose - problems
with default pose not working if joint orientations don't
have z pointing to the next joint
- unencapsulate limbs so fbx export can see the internal
Hard object skinning process:
- weight paint tool
- select bone
- (optional) convert skin weight to soft selection
- Choose a point edit selection mode(painting, rectangle,
lasso, soft selection) to enter PE mode
- make a selection, does not have to be vertex selection
- convert soft selection to skin weight - first right
click be sure "replace" is the chosen method
- right click to exit PE mode
- repeat at step 2 for each bone
Animation notes:
- place different animations on different tracks
- can rename the clips - will rename the animclip nodes
- disable all clips except one for fbx export - TODO code
fbx to read clips as fbx animation stacks (old fbx term is
- only disable clips when in default pose (frame is -10)
- theory - x best axis for hinge rotation and f-curve
manipulations - no fcurve has problems, stick with z axis
and dont use fcurve unless x and y rotations are zero
- set play range ending to end of the clip - NO fbx reads
range of animation on the object, not the play range so
using clips is only good if all animations are the same
Before creating the scene:
- create a folder to gather all the assets - texture
files, mesh files...
- choose a naming convention for the texture files,
the "---" might be the mesh name if it's the only
texture for the mesh:
- T_---_D = diffuse
- T_---_N = normalmap
- T_---_S = specularmap
- Terrains are created from plane primitives
- create the original plane with size of power of 2 in width and height
/ export scale. Export scale of 10 sizes
would be something like 6.4, 12.8, 25.6, 51.2
- position the plane so that the corner at the
minimum X and Y is at the origin and freeze the
transforms - it can be repositioned afterward?
- Common power-of-two values used for terrain include 1, 2, 4,
8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024.
- Terrains that will be converted to Landscapes
- The Max Component Size must be a 1x, 2x, or 3x multiple of
one less than a power of 2 (e.g. 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 14, 15,
21, 30, 45)
The Num Patches [X/Y] must be multiples of the Max Component
The Max Tessellation Level must be set to 1 inside
the editor
- Optionally setup the Unreal Grid system
Prepare the scene:
- create objects at a scale of 1- small scale for
actors and their controls but useable
- Name all the meshes in the scene
- S_ = staticmesh
- SK_ = skeletalmesh
- Ungroup all the grouped meshes
- Be sure all static meshes have UV applied to uv set
1 and 2
- uv set 1 can be copied to uv set 2 using the UV editor
Synchronize UV button
- UV set 2 should not have overlapping UV's for use in the
- If materials are not BlankDXMaterial style convert
them, the Convert materials script might help
- If textures are not all in one place they can be
copied to the Assets folder and the references updated
in the scene by using the Refresh Bitmaps script
- give all the materials unique names
- M_---, "---" maybe the same name as the mesh if it's the only
- materials are the nodes connected to the Material List node,
often named like Material_0, Material_1 etc.
- If two meshes do have identical materials then use
the same material name for both of them
- script has function to rename a meshes materials
- Decide on a package name - all assets will be
gathered within the named package
- Apply tags using the MarkMesh tab of the Unreal UI
- tag the static and skeletal meshes and terrains
- if the name field is blank it will use the mesh
name used in the scene
- meshes that are not tagged will
export as CSG geometry(Add operation)
- limited support for subtracted meshes with
history enabled, always subtract from the
pre-established boolean objects. do not
subtract a boolean object from a mesh the t3d
exporter will not see it
- use the package name, "Mesh" is a good group
name and the mesh name is how the UDK browser will
see them
- the t3d map file will import with the scene name of the
object and the tag is used to identify the object in
the UDK object browser
- S_--- = staticmesh
- SK_--- = skeletalmesh
- all identical meshes should have identical tags
- Terrains
- MaxComponentSize typical value is 4
- NumPatchesX is set to the value of the plane
primitives width segments when it was created.
- NumPatchesY is set to the value of the plane
primitives height
segments when it was created.
- trueSpace is limited to about 128 segments in width and
- the plane cannot be modelled with any
technique that adds or subtracts geometry.
It can only be reshaped. Keep the
vertex X and Y positions unchanged and only
alter the Z
- Terrain Landscapes
- The Max Component Size must be a 1x, 2x, or 3x multiple of
one less than a power of 2 (e.g. 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 14, 15,
21, 30, 45)
- The Num Patches [X/Y] must be multiples of the Max Component
- The Max Tessellation Level must be set to 1
inside the editor
- use layers to organize the scene
- skeletal mesh archtype layer
- static mesh archtype mesh layer
- csg geometry for scene layer
- terrain
- staticmesh and skeletal mesh for scene layer
The Process(Dec 2014):
- decide on a package name(not needed for ue4)
- new scene
- add layers - csg, sk proto, sm proto, terrain, sk
mesh, s mesh, maybe animated static?
- model to scale - truespace actor is little small but useable
- unique material names - use BlankDXMaterial style
- store textures in fbx export folder for truespace
- add actor at the origin
- rename to SK_..
- tag/mark with same name - blank field will copy
from node name
- group - Mesh(not matter for ue4)
- triangulate mesh
- unique joint names within actor, unencapsulate
- expand matrix so cannot accidentally move actor
- export fbx default/standard mode
- place in skeleton prototype layer - note if need
invisible do in layers then do manual to complete
- layer visibility controls NOT WORKING PROPERLY
- copy, rename for the scene and move to the skeleton mesh layer
- set animation frame rate to 30 fps
- add anim track
- position using skeleton root not the whole truespace actor and key it
- disable defaultPose clip?
- add csg use primitive
- use unreal grid
- set snapping to power of 2
- subtract csg with keep history and only subtract
from existing boolean object
- export obj file scale = 1 and do uv mapping in
- to uv map an actor
- assign some random uv
- copy the actor
- unskin the copy
- export obj
- import to Blender and uv map it
- export obj and import to tS
- use copyuv script, select imported mesh(source)
and mesh inside the actor(destination)
- add static meshes
- rename to SM_...
- tag/mark
- group - Mesh
- collision mesh named UCX_SM_name
- uv2 for lighting
- frozen transforms
- triangulate
- export fbx udkstaticmesh mode
- place in static mesh prototype layer
- copy, rename and move to static layer
- don't copy collision mesh - keep it in the collision
- exporting
- make static prototype and collision layers
visible, all others invisible and export
udkstaticmesh mode fbx, no animation, scale 100
- make skeletal prototype visible export default
mode fbx, no animation, scale 100
- make csg, static and skeletal layers visible and
export t3d
- export static mesh animations with udkmatinee
mode, single clip and animation checked
- export skeletal mesh animations one at a time (
1 sk mesh and 1 clip at a time) - not scene export,
scale 100, default mode fbx, use the fbx offset
option with the actor at the initial t3d file
- import skeleton mesh to unreal
- clear name in dialog
- import materials
- override full name
- group Mesh
- package to match tag
- after import set Yaw to 180, change Roll to -90
- import static same
- import t3d into a blank map after skeletal and
static mesh prototypes have been imported
- animated static mesh import fbx animation
- select the animated item in the scene
- open kismit
- add matinee and open it
- add an empty group with name === mesh name in
the truespace scene
- import fbx
- docs say only 1 movement track per group(object)
- can import more than one by creating an extra
movement track, but no way to activate more than one
at a time - maybe a seperate matinee for each
section of a long animation?
- import skeletal mesh animation
- udk content browser select mesh, right click -
new animset
- import fbx animation - name will come from the
fbx file name, rename if desired
- select animset in the content browser
- select the skeletal mesh in the level
- go to matinee and add blank group
- group anim sets - add new item
- in new slot push - "use selected item in content
- add an anim control track to the group
- press enter to add a keyframe - select the
animset from the list
Export a T3D file
- at this point all the meshes and materials are
named, uv has been assigned to set 1 and 2 of each mesh
and tags have all been applied
- hide the archtype layers
- set t3d scale to 10 so final combined scale is 100 =
1 cm tS== 1 uu
- export the scene
- animated static meshes will export as map
- animated skeletal meshes will export as
- untagged geometry will export as CSG-add
- boolean subtract will export as CSG-Subtract
Export FBX files - order and process is a little murky for
skeletal meshes
- At this point a T3D map/scene file has been
generated, but it refers to meshes that don't exist yet
- all exports will have scale set to 10
- idea is have archtype layer with unique items at
origin named to match the tags
- archtype layers show
- hide all the CSG meshes and Terrains
- hide all scene meshes
- move all the geometry to the origin (0,0,0), adjust and set
pivot if needed
- use the Freeze Transforms script
- if items are animated maybe set a key at frame -10 and be
there when exporting
- export fbx skeletal mesh and animation
- if joints are animated export - check animation
- select the character
- export mode = default
- frame -10 should have the default pose keyed if
the mesh is animated
- repeat for each actor - do them one at a time?
is it possible to export multiple skeletal meshes?
- export the scene archtype layers as an fbx file or choose one by one
and export
- export
mode = udkstaticmesh
- scale = 10
- deselect for scene export
- uncheck animation export
- export fbx animations non-skeletal - matinee
- if any static meshes are animated
they must have at least 2 keyframes
- parenting is ok since the udkmatinee mode uses world
coordinate system, not local
- select the mesh
- check animation export
- export
mode = udkmatinee
- export the fbx file - name it to match the mesh
with some kind of Anim postfix
- repeat for each animated mesh or export all as
single file for one import to matinee
- the only way to control the names of actors in the
level is to use t3d to add them to the map. So to
add a new animated mesh:
- export the fbx mesh
- mark it as staticmesh or skeletalmesh and export a t3d of the mesh
- in udk import the fbx mesh to the proper package
and group then add to the map via the t3d import
- now can use matinee to import the mesh
- if add mesh to the level from the content browser then must
rename the mesh in truespace to match the name in the
map (something like "InterpActor_xx"), export the fbx matinee and now can
import the animation to the mesh
import the fbx file that was created with udkstaticmesh mode
into the UDK editor:
uncheck explicit normals if a normalmap is applied(not sure
of this)
import materials and textures
note: the import process can be a little slow
import skeletalmesh and static mesh, set Yaw to 180, change Roll to -90
if udkstatic mesh mode then no rotation on import
clear to a blank map
import the t3d file - into the existing map
use kismet/matinee to import any staticmesh and
whole tS character animations
mesh names in the fbx file must match the mesh names in the
map/level to import fbx via matinee
use animset to import skeletal animations
- name will be filename plus the animation stack name
- can be renamed in udk
use the animset in matinee - add animset to blank group at
the bottom then add track for it
enter to add keyframe and select animation from the animset
create light importance volumes and default killzones
add a player start and build all(geometry and lighting)
clear the name field so mesh names will come from the fbx
The mesh name in truespace must match the name in the UDK
map in order to import the animation via matinee.
The tag in the t3d map must match the imported name of the
mesh in the object browser.
miscellaneous notes:
matinee fbx mesh animation import - geometry name in the file
geometry name in the level
camera fov will reset if import
matinee fbx and no fov animation is included - easy fix
camera aspect will need to be adjusted
truespace -> UDK
color -> diffuse
constant -> emissive
specular -> specular
normalmap -> normalmap
lightwave node based materials do not export
lightwave must embed textures for fbx export or save fbx to
same folder as the texture files
only uv mapped
material items uvs are exported now
lightwave -> udk
color -> diffuse
luminousity -> emissive
specular -> specular
glossiness -> specular power
bump -> normal
collada from lightwave will import to blender3d if the mesh
and fbx_bone_heirarchy_standin are parented to the same null
blender3d fbx -> see internet for techniques and they are
working on it
fbx maybe best format ts <-> lightwave
collada best format ts <-> blender3d
dynamic lighting does not use light maps
emitter materials set to create light do not produce color
blead effects