if(!DebugViewFound("Project/Windows Manager Space")) CmdPrompt.DebugView('Windows Manager Space', 0); } function NodeSubObject(root, index) { return root + "/" + Node.SubObject(root, index); } function DebugViewFound() { var WMS = "Project/Windows Manager Space"; var numwindows = Node.SubObjectCount(WMS); for(var winIndex=0; winIndex < numwindows; winIndex++) { var currentWindow = NodeSubObject(WMS, winIndex); if(Node.SubObjectCount(currentWindow) < 1) continue; var shortname = Node.ShortName(NodeSubObject(currentWindow, 0)); if( shortname == "LogOutput") return true; } return false; }
Monthly Archives: February 2015
truespace shadow catcher
The object must be white to render only the shadow.
d3d view quality
The view quality can be controlled by increasing antialiasing to about 3 and reducing the clip plane far from 1000 to 500 or less depending on the scene size for a view or camera. See the cameras internal nodes and the D3DView nodes children.
button notes
general notes for scripting buttons
var tbbutt = Node.Create(‘Windows Manager Package/Toolbar Button Item’, mytoolbar);
Node.Value(tbbutt, “ControlID2D”) = “{2BBC850E-6EEF-4364-9265-A4A606AE464B}”;//must be this guid
Node.Value(tbbutt, “ControlID3D”) = “{2BBC850E-6EEF-4364-9265-A4A606AE464B}”;
//Node.Value(tbbutt ,”Package”) = “{E0C3ABBA-AA1C-4A09-8089-9ED4A8AC63B9}”;//needed for menu button
Node.Value(tbbutt, “Menu”) = false;
Node.Value(tbbutt, “Name”) = theframeSN;
//Node.Value(tbbutt ,”Preview2D”) = 303;//needed for image button
//Node.Value(tbbutt ,”Preview3D”) = 303;
var tbbutt2 = Node.Rename(tbbutt, theframeSN + “Button”);