Workspace: If the copy textures option is not selected, image references with made up names(file_0, file_1, file_2) are created in the dae file with a relative path in the same location as the dae file.
Modelspace(procedural textures): If the copy textures option is not selected, the collada file will refer to texture files file_0… in the same location as the dae file, but no texture files will be created.
Modelspace(texture map): If the copy textures option is not selected, the collada file will refer to the texture directly but in a bad format and using an absolute path instead of relative.
Workspace: If copy textures option is selected then a folder with the same name as the dae file is created and the texture files(file_0…) are created in the folder and relative paths are created in the dae file to these textures.
Modelspace(procedural textures): If copy textures option is selected a folder with the same name as the dae file is created and texture files are created in it.
Modelspace(texture map): If copy textures option is selected an empty folder with the same name as the dae file is created(BUG), the texture file is copied to the same path as the dae file not into the new folder and the dae file will refer to the original texture file using absolute addressing in a bad format.(BUG)
Workspace texture in modelspace is treated the same way as modelspace procedural texture, but if the model is altered through point edit then a texture is created in the “Rs Tmp Textures” folder and it will act like a modelspace texture map export.
Normal map textures are referred in an xml “extra” tag, because these maps are not directly supported by the collada standard.
The diffuse and specular tags in the dae file from truespace always refers to the same texture.(BUG?)
The modelspace and precompiled workspace textures will export diffuse, alpha and normal maps.
Workspace materials composed of the various shaders bricks use the InputBitmap node to define the textures used. The InputBitmap nodes “Input usage” connector determines how it is exported, “DIFFUSEMAP” goes to diffuse, “NORMALMAP” goes to normal. Chapter 5 pg 143 of the truespace manual has a list under the heading “Material Compatibility”. The only maps listed are diffuse and normal. No alpha map is listed, but experimentation shows that if “ALPHAMAP” is typed into the input usage field an alpha texture is created for the collada file.
Vertex paint does not export even though the exporter has an option for it.(BUG)
Modelspace skeletons exports as a hierarchy of nodes/nulls made from truespaces bones and joints instead of actual joint nodes and no skinning information is exported.