Collada plugin for After Effects

More info here
Plugins and Scripts > trueSpace > Import/Export

FBX_2 for trueSpace7.61

fbx icon

This is a plugin and script for importing and exporting to the FBX file format using the Autodesk FBXSDK. It also imports and exports several other file types. The plugin imports meshes and their materials, camera, light data and animations.

persistent base install v3 required

Clintons3DFBX2019.rsx required

some version of microsoft visual c runtime 2013 is required - try the link below if plugin does not install

Note: the fbx rsx plugin may require VC++ runtime 2013 from Microsoft. Get it if the plugin does not install or run.


  1. Reset the Default Context if any toolbars have been modified
  2. install the persistent base if not already installed
  3. install the rsx plugin if it is not already installed
  4. drag the node into the link editor
  5. delete the node from the scene after install is complete

Installation also includes

  • SkeletonStart2 in the "Biped Limbs" library
  • DefaultModelTextureShader in the "Shaders - Model Shaders" library
  • ConstantAlpha in the "Shaders - Alpha Shaders" library


  1. Left click to open the export panel floating.
  2. Right click to open the export panel in the stack.
  3. switch aspects as needed

works with null objects

works with vertex color tools

works with fix bitmap texture references

works with convert light types. Is useful for converting infinite lights to shadow casting directional lights

A sample video on how to install an rsx plugin for truespace can be found here. The video is for installing the Indigo Renderer, but it uses a similar rsx plugin.

Export Options:

fbx export panel fbx batch export dialog fbx metadata

LOD name - name for LOD group, if blank will use "LOD_" + node name

Make LOD - place selected static meshes into an LOD group

New Skeleton - press this button to create a skeleton starting point

Go to Bind Pose - sets the timeline to frame -10 where a key for the bind pose is expected to be found.

Embed Media - will include textures within the fbx binary file

Absolute Texture Path - will use the absolute instead of the relative paths for texture files

Material instancing - export scene instanced materials. This will fall back to non-instanced if no global materials node is found.

Export Animation - saves object animations

Single Animation Clip - save all animations in one take (fbx 2015 option) otherwise each clip will become a take in the fbx file. this will disable the keyframes only option

Keyframes Only - will export the keyframes instead of the baked animation. linear interpolation will export as linear fbx, bezier and custom bezier will export as cubic interpolation, constant min and constant max will export as constant fbx interpolation. The interpolation handles are not translated only the key interpolation type. Will be ignored if the Single Animation Clip option is checked
some will import as linear, maybe because of no handles

Export Selected Only - if unchecked the entire scene will export. If checked and using the material instancing option the scene Materials node will be added to the selection automatically. When checked will export the selected scene level objects. If the selection is a single 2D encapsulation then the exporter will behave the same as a scene export, but with the scene replaced by the 2D encapsulation object.

Export Cameras - save cameras to the fbx file

Export Lights - save lights to the fbx file

Export Mesh Instances - will export mesh instances based on the unreal plugin static mesh tags. The mesh whos name matches the tag will be the basis for the exported instances. This mesh needs to be visible in the scene.

Add 180 Yaw Transform - export with an additional 180 degrees transform in the Z axis - needs more testing for use case

Add 180 Yaw Mesh - export with mesh vertices transformed by 180 degrees in the Z axis - needs more testing for use case

Triangulate - export meshes as triangulated

UV2 to Diffuse Channel - place UV set #2 into the diffuse channel, uncheck to place in the bump channel

Mode - export mode

  • default - fbx Z up default
  • worldspace - uses world transform instead of local transform. actors export as null objects. does not use the keyframe only option(result is always baked motion). child items need at least a keyframe at the start and a keyframe at the end of the sequence
  • 3dsmax - Z up mode, does not produce good skeletal mesh exports, simple non-skeletal meshes and their animations seem ok... so far

Version - option to save specific FBX versions:
FBX2019, FBX2018, FBX2016, FBX2014, FBX2013, FBX2012, FBX2011, FBX2010, FBX2009

Export Scale - scaling multiplier for the export

Export - saves an fbx file to disk.

press the "Esc" key to cancel a batch export

batch file format - drop down list of the fbx sdk export formats

batch export - will export items individually instead of into a single fbx file, file names will come from each item

set batch path - choose a folder to receive the files

batch file name and batch animation clip name are used internally by the batch process and by external scripts that use the batch process (the Unreal batch exporter uses these fields)

Open glTF Conversion Panel - use external tool to convert fbx to gltf files

Scene Metadata - define document information values for title, subject,author,keywords,revision,comment

Custom Metadata - Add a script node to the object or scene. Name it "Metadata". Add connectors for integer, number, string or boolean types to store the metadata.

Probably better to use the GLTF Exporter instead of the conversion panel


fbx to gltf panel gltf setup panel

external tool for fbx to gltf conversion -


  • Setup tab - set the file location for the gltf2fbx tool - one time setup
  • Select fbx file and press convert to generate a gltf file in the same location

Export Notes:

  • Export Selected Only option only works with scene level objects, not subobjects. Except for a single 2D encaps selection, which can be at deeper levels
  • export selected only plus material instancing will automatically select the scene Materials node for export
  • mesh instancing looks for a connector named "smStaticMesh". if it's text is the same as the items name then the mesh is the basis for the instancing
  • UV sets 1 and 2 are exported. A third UV can be exported with an extra mesh node.
  • UV2 to Diffuse Channel - compatible with Blender and Godot, Unreal sees the second uv in any case
  • The frame -10 of animation must contain the actor in the default pose.
  • Not compatible with limbs - unencaps them
  • Not compatible with the legacy actors found in the characters library
  • IK interpolation on export may be off so extra keyframes or baking the animation may be required
  • Exported animations can start at frame 0. Frames before 0 are ignored.
  • To export a 3rd uv map use the node editor to copy the Editable shape node. Rename the copy as "uv3" and hook it in place of the Editable shape node to edit the uv map 1. When done reconnect the original Editable shape and the plugin will find uv set one on the "uv3" node and use them.
  • Do not put actors into any groups.
  • To export 1 clip at a time disable all clips except one. Disable the clip not the track.
  • A clip named "defaultPose" will be ignored for animation export.
  • If the mesh has a pivot use the flatten pivot tool on it before exporting.
  • compiled d3d material, vray and lightworks materials will export as blank default material - use the material converter script to make compound d3d materials compatible with this plugin. material plugins and scripts
  • scene instanced materials can be exported via the Material Instancing option
  • animation clips need to have good names, "AnimClip, 1" is a bad name because of the comma and space.
  • not compatible with multi track animations
  • if the d3d node has a Name connector it will be used for the material name
  • all materials need to have unique names
  • To export a scene with good orientation in software that does not read the fbx orientation flags
    • parent all scene items to one central object
    • rotate the object +90 in X
    • unparent and export with default mode
  • only convex polygons will export properly
  • LOD group nodes are automatically sorted by vertex count
  • works with vertex colors tools
  • fix bitmap texture references, fbx needs the bitmap texture files to exist on the filesystem
  • if a Name node is found inside a material it will be used in the export material name ?name node or is name conn good enough?
  • The embed media option does not work for images that only exist inside of the trueSpace scene. The images must exist on disk.
  • Exports parenting relationships
  • Floating vertices may result in bad geometry export. Remove them, optimize triangulation for the mesh or triangulate the face with the floating point.
  • Export to Lightwave:

    • export scale = 100
    • single clip option may be better
    • modeler - rotate left view 90, rotate top view 180
    • layout - parent to null and rotate null heading 180, pitch 90
    • spotlights will import as nulls
  • Export to Blender:

    • export scale = 100
    • import setting manuel orient
    • setting forward -Y
    • setting up +Z
    • rotate scene/items 180 in Z
    • bones import as nulls
    • blender 3.5 - keys import as linear so uncheck Keyframes Only to bake it
  • Export to Unreal:

    • Truespace to Unreal Engine(not as old)
    • Exporting for Unreal Engine(old)
    • Unreal collisions only UCX type works
    • use default mode for staticmeshes and add fix yaw 180 to export their animations in a seperate file.
    • Unreal Editor ver 4.12 fbx scene import works but will not position or name skeletal meshes properly. The new actor null export can be used to parent and position these items or skeletal meshes can be placed via the unreal t3d export script.
    • not single clip may be better for ue4
    • ue4 will import animated static meshes as skeletal meshes
    • when import fbx to ue4 Normal Generation Method => Built-in, default is MikkTspace which is good for Blender
    • ue5 import to level uncheck Keyframes Only for best animation
    • ue5 sequencer reset matrix of animated object before export, use Keyframes Only option, import staticmesh as staticmesh, when import to sequencer may need to uncheck match name
    • ue5 import as single blueprint, assign anim assets manually, export scale=100, reduce infinite lights to 1 lux, compile blueprint after changes
      test result
    • import level from ue5, zup 180mesh
    • add animated mesh
    • clear mesh matrix and export fbx
    • import to unreal and the animation matches - import to level + anim asset or import to content browser as staticmesh and sequencer
    • result good, animation fits unreal scene

Import Options:

truespace fbx import panel truespace fbx import take dialog

Animation - loads animation data
take - the number of the animation to import. 0 will read the first one in the file. A value larger than the number of takes will display a series of message boxes to select the take.
Choose a take - Press the "No" button until the desired take is highlighted with "**", then press "Yes"

Only Animation - read only the animation data for actors

Materials - when unchecked only color values are imported
Instancing - import as scene instanced materials.

Cameras - load cameras from the file

Lights - load lights from the file

Convert to Z-up - pressing this button will activate the fbx function to convert the imported file to a z up orientation. Uncheck for y up.

Add 180 Yaw Transform - add an additional 180 degrees transform to the Z axis rotations - needs more testing for use case

Add 180 Yaw Mesh - apply a transform of 180 degrees in the Z axis on the mesh vertices. Requires use of Convert to Z-up? Use for unreal level import so meshes line up and it does not affect the lights and cameras.

Import Scale - control overall size of imported objects

Import - press to import an fbx, 3ds, obj, dxf, abc or other supported file formats.

Transfer Bind Pose - transfer the bind pose from the blue indicators to the skeleton. If it does not line up afterward, run it again.

If the mesh does not line up with the skeleton, fix it manually, before skinning

Skin - completes the import process for skeletal meshes by skinning from a data node provided by the plugin

Transfer Animations - transfer the animations from the yellow animation indicators to the actor. Always run for non-animated actor out of position This will also transform the actor with no animations when the fbx file has a transformed parent node.

Convert Nulls - convert imported objects marked as nulls into truespace nulls, works on the whole scene but limits to those items marked with tempnull

Clean Import - delete temporary data, BONESBIND_ and BONESANIM_ collections and integrate into the scene removing the temporary FBX group

truespace fbx slice panel

Randomize Materials - if scene instancing and different materials in the file have identical appearance, truespace will combine them causing material errors. check to randomly alter the material parameters to keep the materials distinct - needed for some unreal imports


  • Invert - some files have reverse alpha/transparency values in the materials relative to truespace. Use this option to flip the alpha values imported.
  • Ignore - ignores the alpha value in the imported file

Skeleton Nodes as Joints - interpret collada joints as joint and create an extra bone at the last joint in a chain so it can be used as a deformer. Otherwise reads collada joints as bones ignoring the last joint in a chain.
Adds a leaf joint to the end of the skeleton chains.

Convex Polygon - creates a polygon from a fan type arrangement of triangles. This is good for most cases. When unchecked concave polygons will import properly, but it is unstable and may crash truespace in some cases. The unchecked state is based on code from by Thomas Kittelmann adapted from code poly2tri by Liang, Wu, it needs further modification to work smoothly with trueSpace.

Mesh as Nulls - creates a cube with no materials for each mesh in the file. good for importing large numbers of items where only the transform properties are important

Null Size set size of the cubes that represent nulls

Scale Unity makes it possible to import actors that have scaled skeletons by forcing a scale of 1. Animations from these scaled skeletons cannot be imported.

Convert Parents to Groups - some formats import in a parent child type heirarchy. This button converts these nodes into truespace style groups

Clear Scene - delete all items in the scene

truespace fbx slice panel

Animation - loads animation data
take - the number of the animation to import. 0 will read the first one in the file. A value larger than the number of takes will display a series of message boxes to select the take.
Choose a take - Press the "No" button until the desired take is highlighted with "**", then press "Yes"

Only Animation - read only the animation data for actors

Skeleton Nodes as Joints - interpret collada joints as joint and create an extra bone at the last joint in a chain so it can be used as a deformer. Otherwise reads collada joints as bones ignoring the last joint in a chain.

Null Size set size of the cubes that represent nulls

Convert to Z-up - pressing this button will activate the fbx function to convert the imported file to a z up orientation. Uncheck for y up.

Add 180 Yaw Transform - add an additional 180 degrees transform to the Z axis rotations - needs more testing for use case

Add 180 Yaw Mesh - apply a transform of 180 degrees in the Z axis on the mesh vertices. Requires use of Convert to Z-up? Use for unreal level import so meshes line up and it does not affect the lights and cameras.

Import Scale - control overall size of imported objects

Import - press to import an fbx, 3ds, obj, dxf, abc or other supported file formats

Source - select the BONESANIM_xxx node that contains the animation to copy and press to set it

Actor - select the actor to recieve the animation and press to set it

Transfer Animation - copy the animation from the fake yellow source skeleton to the actual actor/skeleton

truespace fbx slice panel

This section may be obsolete because of new techniques that are used to enable multiple imports via encapsulation.

Auto Encapsulation - 0 = off, otherwise makes encapsulations with the indicated number of imported items per encapsulation

activate sliced mode - an fbx file with a large number of items will crash truespace. Use this option to import the file a piece at a time. The resulting meshes can be combined with booleans or encapsulated to reduce the number of nodes in a scene and the next import will load the next section of the file. Use with slice batch for a slightly smoother user experience.

num items per slice - the number of objects that will import when in sliced mode. Each time the import is run this many nodes will import.

next import node - this field keeps track of the next starting point for importing in sliced mode. It will be blank when the last section of the file has been imported. Do not type anything in this field.

slice batch - used to keep track of the current file when in slice mode so the user does not need to use a file dialog between slice imports

Import Scale - size multiplier

Import - press to import an fbx, 3ds, obj, dxf, abc or other supported file formats

Import Notes:

  • the first 2 uv sets will import
  • NURBS patches are automatically converted to polygon meshes.
  • The importer will replace all non-alphanumeric characters with underscores.
  • BHV files import sideways.
  • Collada file exported from truespace will not line up when imported and light and camera angles will be wrong
  • use Collada Import for better import of Collada files
  • when using slice mode it may be a good idea to:
  • restart truespace between imports
  • There is some kind of memory leak in the import process, so files with many items can crash truespace. To load these files uncheck the import materials option or try scene instanced material import.
  • A large number of import items can make the link editor unwieldy and slow. To load these files :
    • uncheck the material import to prevent crashes
    • set auto encapsulate to 25 so that items are grouped in sets of 25 nodes
    • activate slice mode
    • number of items per slice to about 150 or less
    • set slice batch so that it remembers the file and doesn't open a file dialog each time the plugin is run
    • import
    • repeat the import until the slice mode inputs are cleared. this indicates that the end of the file has been reached.
  • only import animation/xfer anim uses a temporary fake skeleton to load skeletal animations. the name will be something like BONES_ANIM_XXX where XXX is the name of the skeleton
  • can import more animations to one object by making new animation tracks and disabling the other tracks before loading a new animation
  • the imported material node will contain a Name node with a Name attribute so the name survives material assignment and saves to disk
  • Import scene instanced maybe be slower than no instancing.
  • May need to select a scene item or light before imported items will show in the 3D view.
  • If the mesh position does not match the skeleton, use the enhanced object navigation widgets to move, rotate and scale it into place. RMB arcs to rotate around the original ctrl + RMB boxes to scale from the mesh origin
  • animation takes/clips in the file will be listed in the log view
  • Unreal Notes:

    • UE4 does not export material information - use randomize option if scene instanced material import
    • use persona to export skeletal mesh animations
    • matinee animation exports are non-standard fbx
    • export of unreal level needs Yaw 180 option.
    • import unreal scale 0.01
    • import unreal level as z-up plus Yaw 180 Mesh
    • sequencer(ue5.2) does not export light color, intensity or cone angle in a valid format - it cannot read what it wrote
  • Lightwave Notes:

    • import scale 0.01
    • rotate scene 180 in z
    • mesh of skeletal mesh actor will import 90 degrees off. to fix freeze transforms of the mesh
  • Blender Notes:

    • import scale 0.01
    • rotate scene 180 in z
    • only exports baked animations
  • General Notes:

    • Installer adds Constant Alpha shader to the Shaders - Alpha Shaders library
    • Installer adds DefaultModelTextureShader to the Shaders - Model Shaders library
    • Imports FBX, DXF, OBJ, 3DS, ABC and DAE
    • Exports FBX, DXF, OBJ and DAE.
    • imports and exports BVH, HTR, TRC, ASF, AMC, C3D, AOA and MCD
    • Uses FBX 2019.5 as of July 2020. This is the last FBX version that will work in 32 bit environments.
    • Import and export can take a long time to execute especially with long animations or complex meshes.
    • Spotlight angle animation is not imported. Light color and intensity also not imported.
    • The new (July 2020) scene instanced materials should make it possible to load more complex scene files.
    • 3ds and obj will only import diffuse textures. Alpha, specular, bump etc are ignored. This is a fbx sdk bug? The FBX Converter(2013) also does not see these textures.

    click to get the source code(for programmers) - contains the source files used to build the Clintons3DFBX2019.rsx plugin
    Built with Visual Studio 2013. A previous build using VS 2017 did not load in the Windows XP environment.
    The FBX SDK samples for Visual Studio have to be built using cmake and some CMakeLists.txt files will need to be edited to fix the include path to the CMakeSettings.txt file.

    Note to self: rsx built on virtual win7 machine, vs 2013 on amd desktop

    November 18, 2024

    • plugin version v1638428
    • testing showed that adding the Materials node to the selection did not make any difference
    • when a single selection of 2d encapsulation the export will treat the encaps as if it was the scene
    • added error message if try to export selected and not at the scene root - ignores single 2d encaps selection
    • export panel too big so gave batch export it's own panel

    September 30, 2024

    • plugin version v1638427
    • new option to export UV set #2 to the diffuse channel
    • floating panel
    • update UU fbx button
    • tested and found special vs2020 version not needed - no crashes in win 10

    August 20, 2024

    • load on demand installer
    • small improvement to ts bridge detection

    August 26, 2023

    • removed mesh normals import - not working, always run autofacet normals
    • script non-actor animations clip name from take name
    • rsx plugin updated but no version change
    • Skeleton Nodes as Joints default checked - better too many than too few
    • Scale Unity false by default - to prevent hiding any scale problems

    August 25, 2023

    • plugin ver 1638426
    • finish take selection code
    • script rename anim clip to take name

    August 24, 2023 - not yet released

    • animation take import fixed - new jankie dialog
    • no scale for joints - issue: root can still have owner with scale value
    • Scale Unity option - force imported joints to scale of 1, no good for animation though
    • fix crash bug having to do with actor bind poses
    • script stop multiple skeleton roots errors - issue: may require manual renaming of BINDANIM_ to match actor
    • script clear status message from rsx

    August 23, 2023

    • import fbx directional lights as truespace infinite lights
    • rsx plugin updated, no version change, no script changes

    August 22, 2023

    • import fix for skeleton chains that end with nulls
    • FixBitmapsForExport side utility
    • split the oversized import UI panels - anim panel, options panel
    • new error: one fbx file not working and cannot do transfer bind more than once
      same issue with unstable ownermatrix of root node anim - have to reset to stop error, also not updating fake root to bind location
      FIXED - can run transfer bind more than once(needed in some cases) and fixed bug where the bind root joint position did not transfer to the animated fake skeleton root joint

    August 21, 2023 - not released yet

    • plugin version 1638425
    • export - mesh errors only once per mesh
    • import - remove single animation key that was added to all objects, fixes inconsistent orientations - lightwave consideration? if so add as option?
    • fixed bug that should have messed up all imports or maybe it was only empty scene instanced materials import
    • import - allow for root joint parent transforms - premult onto root joint, and fix frozen ownermatrix connector
    • directional light make size bigger after import
    • import rsx Only Animation working again - need a workflow for multiple clips
    • script xfer only anim done and working
    • clear scene - ask for vray and layers nodes
    • import cleanup script
    • external script - started FixBitmapsForExport - good for fbx and gltf, though gltf does have something in place it's not complete

    August 19, 2023

    • added texture fallbacks for specular, transp color and bump of specular factor, transparency factor and bump factor
    • discovered 3ds and obj do not import specular or alpha maps, true for autodesk fbx converter too, it only sees diffuse textures
    • fixed crash caused by empty mesh in the file

    August 18, 2023 - not published

    • fixed export parenting of null objects
    • removed the scene Materials encaps from the export
    • import test read light animations - ue5 failed(ue export is bad and wont read in to ue either), xsi mod tool see color and intensity no cone angles
    • import bondbind early rename fix for first joint not in the bind
    • import load global materials first for easier coding later
    • import more feedback - can see skinning is slow process
    • import log animation take names
    • import excess instanced materials problem solved
    • export some feedback status
    • plugin version 1638424
    • export slightly improved error reporting
    • import texture alpha add ALPHAMAP usage
    • import defaultmodeltextureshader add compression
    • git latest into vs2013 on win7, replace Clintons3dFBX.vcxproj and Clintons3dFBX.vcxproj.filters add existing new files to the project manually, RcFBXimportUtilities.cpp, RcFBXexportUtilities.cpp, RcFBXimportActor.cpp, RcFBXimportAnimation.cpp, RcFBXimportMaterials.cpp

    August 14 2023

    • more feedback
    • fix bonesbind_early bug
    • load instanced materials before creating fbx global encaps
    • option randomize materials - stops tS scene instance from combining identical materials

    August 12, 2023 - not published yet

    • fixed excess materials issue, keep material count in case want to combine materials in script
    • vertex colors - not tested on skel mesh
    • fix anim transfer range calculation
    • new bug - cam light animation - fixed
    • note may need line up geom with skel manually in some cases
    • added plugin status line feedback
    • list animation take names
    • build using vs2013 for old compatibility, developed with vs2020
    • plugin version 1638423

    August 2, 2023 - not published yet

    • use standard tS camera and lights instead of special fbx versions, pitch 90 cam roll -90 lights
    • cam light animation transform adjust to use normal cams and lights
    • fix bug where bind pose running on non-skeleton items
    • add material count export so can clean mystery extraneous materials in script - no longer needed

    August 1, 2023 - not released yet

    • multimesh actors script working
    • multiskeleton working
    • mesh does not always align with the skeleton - see no way around it
    • encaps import working script side
    • found must transfer bind to animation bones and then use anim bones to set tS bind because bind not always have all joints of skeleton
    • found and fixed small rsx bug
    • if any materials identical material instancing will have problems? because tS will merge the identical materials?
    • see no easy way to deal with multi-root skeletons
    • camera import checkbox option - untested
    • material instance auto select scene material if selected only export - untested
    • dont add pivot to mesh import - untested
    • removed pivot from mesh imports
    • script auto select materials node if selected only and material instancing - untested
    • todo clean and integrate script

    July 31, 2023 - unpublished changes

    • multimesh is working plugin side
    • multi skeleton is working plugin side
    • import to encaps is working plugin side
    • rsx needs feedback
    • bare skeleton import seems ok, no bind bones as expected, will know after script
    • bind matrix for geometry helps in some cases, got null geo matrix for more corrections - script task

    July 30, 2023 - unpublished changes

    • import vertex colors
    • export vertex colors

    July 22, 2023 - unpublished change

    • rsx version 1638423 - forgot to change the number, doh
    • added support for null import export, which also includes the joint data node so can look at importing multiple skeletons
    • using vs2022 so not winXP compatible - will need to backport when all changes are complete

    June 17, 2022

    • replaced fix yaw option with separate add 180 to transform and mesh verts
    • plugin version 1638423

    March 23, 2022

    • fix broken export where parenting was required for it to work
    • plugin version 1638422

    February 8, 2022

    • plugin version 1638421
    • fix process materials crash - was assuming d3d material encapsulation
    • fix keyframes only crash - multiple tracks and clip names issue
    • new exports parenting structures from the root scene level
    • updated installer, but only real changes are in the rsx plugin

    January 2, 2021

    • plugin version v1638420
    • fix uv and normal indices so exported files will load into FBX2020 importers
    • added triangulate option for export which also solves the FBX2020 import problems
    • crash bug fixed: exported material instancing setting must match the scene material instancing for exported meshes
    • updated installer reset toolbars list

    July 14, 2020

    • plugin version v1638419
    • if a texture is not found for a material it will fall back to the trueSpace image
    • fixed bug where emission value was not processed
    • skip creation of material nodes for Alpha and Emission when not needed
    • updated instanced material export will use the Name attribute if available. added this same behavior to non-instanced materials
    • cleaned up some repeating code

    July 13, 2020

    • plugin version v1638418
    • updated to use FBX SDK 2019.5 - plugin file size is smaller 6254 Kb vs 9712 Kb
    • new option to import/export scene material instances
    • new selection option to save to older FBX file formats
    • cleaned up and compressed the UI
    • Removed the special Unreal Engine specific export modes. UED now has working imports.
    • installer clears the recent files lists

    August 25, 2019

    • rsx plugin version 1638417
    • new documentinfo for scene export
    • metadata/user properties export for objects and scene
    • import filter bad materials names
    • new material name attribute import
    • gltf conversion panel

    August 28, 2018

    • vertex color system for exporting
    • rsx plugin version 1638416
    • add toolbar rest to installer "syncPrototype["WinGUID_Bar"] = 1;"

    February 24, 2018

    • persistent install v2 compatible
    • compatible with new batch installer

    January 12, 2018

    • persistent install
    • removed rsx auto-installer

    Sept 16, 2017 - changed installer text

    June 29, 2017

    • fix crash bug - animation only option when wavefront obj import
    • add pivots to imported meshes
    • new control for null size with a smaller default value
    • fix yaw 180 option to add an additional 180 degrees in the z axis
    • normalize the mesh normal vectors exported
    • fix crash - installer in scene, added "DoNotProcess" boolean value
    • fix crash - character mesh is grouped and new result if mesh is grouped message
    • legacy character library crash fixes
      • bad mesh normals
      • no mesh normals
      • horse skeleton error
    • rsx file version v.1638415

    June 6, 2017

    • ue4 cinematic export mode
    • Newells method for normal calc for import polygon triangulator
    • LOD group export for static meshes
    • new plugin version v.1638414

    March 25, 2017

    • import only animation option
    • plugin version v.1638413

    September 24, 2016

    • improved z up import and export
    • fix binding transform on export, transform skeleton before bind
    • fix bug keyframe only node name matching
    • new worldspace export option
    • new plugin version v.1638412

    June 11 2016

    fixed bug non-instanced meshes combined with unique materials crash

    June 6 2016

    • export mesh instancing option
    • non-redundant material export
    • export - transform skeleton root after skinning
    • null with actor name and position exported with skeletal mesh
    • rsx plugin version v.1638411

    March 8 2016

    • fbx import material loads as a resource and is additive build instead of subtractive
    • much faster material loading
    • removed 16 material limit per mesh
    • slightly better memory use because only the needed elements for material are loaded
    • remove no texture no normal option - used in subtractive material build style
    • plugin version: v.1638410

    January 23, 2016

    • if color beyond white, makes it gray - scenes from ue4 come in too white hot
    • uncheck materials creates a simple color only material - fixes memory utilization crash for scenes that contain many items and is much faster

    January 10, 2016

    • fix uv import for fbx files containing direct uv indices
    • add autoencapsulation option
    • add slice batch option
    • rsx file version 1638409

    August 23, 2015

    • add import of second uv channel
    • rsx version 1638408

    May 8 2015:

    • fix for blank bitmap file crash
    • fix to not crash on instanced materials
    • rsx version 1638407
    • ignore renaming bug when using truespace standalone version

    Previous history/changes

    August 06, 2012
    June 5, 2013