Plugin and scripts for working with D3D materials. Displays a list of materials with controls for naming and editing the material and selecting the objects that use the material.
persistent base install v3 required
A version comes pre-installed in the Unofficial trueSpace Updates -
In UU the toolbar button is found in the export utilities toolbar.
LMB to open a floating panel, RMB to open in the stack view
This button will fall back to the Unofficial Update Material Converter
This button will fall back to the Unofficial Update Material List. Note "Material" not "Materials"
The UU may have been altered in which case the fallback won't do anything.
If a mesh has multiple materials applied to it and the Separate Selection tool is used all the materials are copied which can result in orphan material nodes and connections. The orphans could cause a problem with some exporters. Drag this node into the link editor and run it to remove all the orphans in a scene.
Old version included the "Remove Unused Scene Instanced". Extra scene instanced materials have no bad effect except for taking up space.
The UU version will clear undo history.
Will delete all scene instanced materials that are not assigned to any mesh in the scene.
Used to convert old style materials to the Material List form.
Selected Only - when checked will only operate on the active selection
Used to add a Name to the material. The name is taken from the material node name. If the material already has a Name it will rename the material node to match to make it easier to find in the link editor or scene view.
Selected Only - when checked will only operate on the active selection
Used to alter bitmap references so they point to local images. Some exporters require this.
Gives a list of all textures used in a scene. Red indicates some error with the texture file or that the bitmap file doesn't exist in the file system. Can fix purely embedded bitmaps so they reference image files on the local machine. Useful when exporting to other applications.
Red indicates image files that don't exist on the local machine or the bitmap does no refer to any texture file
Gray indicates good bitmap image state
Create Texture Files will recreate the bitmap texture files locally and assign those files to the material bitmaps. Lines with good state will not be altered or copied.
gltf export - already has some texture reference fixes but not complete