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3D Modeling Tools

Normals Tools for trueSpace7.61

select by normals icon quad by normals icon

Tools for expanding a face selection based on the facing normals and mesh quadrify based on facing normals.

February 27, 2021

Normal Move Tool for trueSpace7.61

normal vertex move

The normal move tool will move a vertex selection in the direction of their normals. The tool will also respect soft selections.

August 8, 2010

Radial Modeler Tool for trueSpace7.61

radial modeler

Model using radial symmetry.

July 8, 2023

UV Unwrap for trueSpace7.61

uv unwrap icon

A very basic experimental UV unwrap tool for very basic geometry based on the OpenNL library. Not very useful or recommended in it's current state.

July 11, 2012

Plane Loop Select for trueSpace7.61

The built in loop select tool does not work with meshes created from plane primitives. This script adds that capability.

July 11, 2012

Slice Tool for trueSpace7.61

The boolean slice tool creates a slice through geometry by using the boolean cut function with a plane sized larger than the mesh and perpendicular to the active 3D viewport. Best control is in the orthographic views with the mesh centered in the view. Load into a scene to automatically install the button, widget and script.

January 14, 2012

Enhanced Mirror Tool for trueSpace7.61

mirror tool icon

Enhanced Mirror Tool panel installer replaces the Mesh Editor Settings node with a version that includes buttons for setting up a mirror about the X, Y and Z axis.

August 8, 2010

NURBS for trueSpace7.61

nurbs toolbar icon

A collection of scripts for using NURBS curves and patches in the truespace workspace environment.

January 6, 2011

NURBS Revolve/Lathe for trueSpace6(modelside)

A tsx plugin for revolving/latheing a curve profile about an axis to create a nurbs patch The Truespace built in lathe tool converts to a polygon object. The plugin works by creating a circle and lofting the profile along the circles path. The loft tool in truespace moves the geometric center of the curve to the path, aligns it to the path and creates a lofted object with construction history. This plugin does not move the profile to the path, does not create construction history and does not eat the original profile curve in the process.

June 17, 2012

NURBSInfo for trueSpace6(modelside)

A tsx plugin for the display of NURBS curves and patch information It also includes widgets for changing the direction of the NURBS. This is useful when combined with the weld curves and patches tools.

June 8, 2012

NURBS Cage for trueSpace6(modelside)

A tsx plugin for editing a NURBS patch or curve indirectly through a polyhedron mesh proxy. A poly mesh cage is created and point edit mode is activated. The cage's vertices correspond to the control points of the NURBS object and includes control points that are not accessible through normal NURBS modeling.

June 9, 2012

Weld Curve for trueSpace6(modelside)

A tsx plugin for joining 2 curves together as one. Options for automatically flipping the directions of the curves and for deleting the original curves.

June 10, 2012

Weld Patch for trueSpace6(modelside)

A tsx plugin for joining 2 NURBS patches together as one.

June 10, 2012

Rebuild NURBS for trueSpace6(modelside)

Tsx plugins for rebuilding NURBS patches and curves with a uniform structure.

September 27, 2006

Target Weld trueSpace7.61

Installer for the target weld script. This installs a custom button, toolbar and widget.

January 3, 2010

Soft Selection Profiles for trueSpace7.61

A collection of 5 linear gradients for use with the soft selection profiles in truespace.

December 28, 2010

NEW Lathe Tool for trueSpace7.61

Lathe tool for workspace based on the Radial Array tool found on the truespace utilities page.

December 31, 2010

Static Sweep Plus for trueSpace7.61

Static Sweep Plus is a replacement for the old lathe tool script and the static sweep script. It is based on the Dynamic sweep tool except that it is not interactive.

June 24, 2010

trueBevel for trueSpace7.61

Closest thing to a true bevel tool for truespace workspace side.

August 22, 2010

UV to Soft(Weight) selection for trueSpace7.61

Makes a soft(weight) selection based on the U or V values from the UV map Installer creates a button that opens the control panel.

December 1 2012: autoload, unique button id

September 19, 2009

Nurbs to Polygon for trueSpace6(modelside)

Modelside, tsx plugin for converting a nurbs patch to a quad polygon mesh Each of the patches for a multi-patch nurbs surface will have to be converted separately Exit point edit mode and use boolean subtraction on the mesh to clean it up after the conversion or use heal vertices in workspace This will remove any seams caused by the nature of nurbs geometry This plugin should work with truespace version 5.1 and up, but hasn't been tested The nurbs rebuild patch plugin on this page can be used to control the density of the final mesh.

January 13, 2010

Polygon to Curves for trueSpace6(modelside)

mesh to curve icon

Modelside, tsx plugin for converting the faces of a polygon mesh to a group of closed NURBS curves.

August 8, 2015

Geometry Selection Utilities

geometry selection icon

Scripts to help fix bad geometry. Creates a selection based on mesh characteristics such as side count and planarity. These scripts were inspired by the Cleaning tools in Maya and the SDS corruption that can occur inside trueSpace.

July 30, 2022
June 5, 2013