August 9, 2024
- fix curve thickness bug, error when adding or removing points because it was not fully disconnected
- extend curve relax selection criterion
- delete control point relax selection requirements
- insert control point now selects the resulting handle
August 8, 2024
- globalfs dialogs for thickness questions and alerts
- thickness small improvement to reduce pinching and some normal values assigned
- grow handle selection - quantize option for curve selection
August 7, 2024
- new curve thickness
- new curve length dimension text
- fix patch freeze to keep grouping relationship
- update curve and patch to maintain parenting relationships when frozen
- new buttons on curves and patches for selecting NURBS elements - useful for LE and scene view, direct selection in 3D is different somehow
July 14, 2024
- when add draw plane grid to the scene place nicely in the
- nurbs function set - functions return the resulting curve - draw curve, circle, points to curve and polygon to curve scripts
- add points color to draw panel and changed edge defaults to the opposite color
- re-released because pre july 5 code base was updated instead of the new base code
- re-released again because found that tS color picker hue 0-255 not 0-360, adjusted draw panel edge and point colors
July 5, 2024
- fix bug where the nurbs draw plane had to be in the scene for circles and draw curve to work
- added missing steps to status message help - mostly rclick to commit a selection
- selection markers were not clearing properly between steps
- button highlight was not clearing when cancel
- new: open the draw plane options as a floating panel - requires new open floating panel script install
July 4, 2024
- new draw plane for the draw curve tool, and new non-pe mode circle tool
- removed some dead nodes - primitivePatchScript,railSurfaceScript,birailSurfaceScript,latheCurveScript,skinSurfaceScript
- fixed rare "for in" error in skinSurfaceScript
- open floating panels using the floating script
- add select cp mesh button to the curve nodes
- circle tools can run outside of pe mode
- increased the invisible "thickness" of curves so straight curves are easier to select
- fix bug in polygon to curve when more than 1 polygon is selected
- some panels bigger brighter font
June 9, 2024
- installer auto load was turned off
- update for new batch install that works with load on demand
June 7, 2024 - not yet released
- lazy load / load on demand version
- GetPointsWidget no longer installed - included in c3d v3
October 10, 2022
- fix a slowdown bug caused by NURBS being recomputed when moved in the scene
- updated the installer
- draw curve button highlight
December 14 2021
- if bridge is on will ask question to avoid errors
- resolution option added to reduce detail in imported complex curves
- fix invisible curves when fill and stoke are not defined
- stroke color used for fill option
- thickness for imported polygons
September 24, 2021
- fix bad triangle geometry when freezing patches
- removes floating vertices when freezing patches
- new option to weld vertices for 2 sided nurbs when freezing patches
August 29, 2021
- fixes for curve and animation export
- support for UU protect nurbs(guard)
- more reliable dialog boxes, reduced undo usage
- svg import more compatible with random sample svg files
- new improved polygon conversion for frozen curves
- copy and delete work with all scene objects, not just nurbs
- copy copies into parent and will attach matrix connections
- subpath/compound path import improved
- import auto flip so svg objects always visible from the +Z direction
- set patch solid/transparent buttons work on all scene items and creation templates, not just selection
- layer0 no longer skipped
- new icons for toolbar buttons
- Added Select All Geometry to the utilities prep tab. I kept having problems until I realized I couldn't select because of back faces
- Added paint current material to the patch creation scripts - a trueBlue request
- Added a Fix Render Attributes button to the utilities panel. If the original Show Object Attribs button is used on NURBS it messes up their appearance. This fixes it.
- Grow selection for NURBS will grow a selection and restrict it to the handles.
Origin to control center will place the origin at the control point of the selection. So if a control handle edge or point is selected the origin will be placed at its control point.
- widget based auto control point mesh select
- new curve and patch panels
- can convert double sided patches to normal polygon mesh, freeze it
- checks patch for odd u precision or even v precision values when freezing a patch - gives question with option to adjust precision for good quad result
- primitives sphere, cylinder and cone will freeze cleanly by default - other primitives are already ok for freezing
- Fix Curve Mesh BB - added code to center the mesh origin
- Fix Bug in polygon to curve script that gave bad result or crashed truespace - when reading selection data must read mesh from Editable shape node Input Mesh connector
- Weld Nurbs - mesh origin to the center of the mesh and fix a "ju
mping" bug where welded object is in a different location than the original meshes
- status messages plugin based
- Fixed a bug in the split nurbs patch that gave bad looking handles when split in one direction, the other direction already gave a good result
January 6, 2021
- move curve utilities into nurbs utilities
- recombine curve import and settings panels
- css animation export: fix bugs, make sample file and remove greensock javascript animation
- curve import remove expose extra attributes, replace with panel export for color and opacity
- curve import fix so color imported to non-constant material
- curve import fix convert to polygon option
- fix incompatible nurbs name when loading exported workspace nurbs into modelspace - prevented proper node behavior
- nurbs patch import get proper naming via parent polyhedron
- patch import proper assignment of the matrix values
- fix bug in the fix handles scripts so works no matter which element of the nurbs is selected
- all floating panels open side by side and takes side panel into consideration
January 3, 2021
- added enhancements and fixes from trueBlue's Unofficial Updates for trueSpace
- new freeze curve as polygon option
- fix triangulation tool renamed to fix handles - enhanced to work when any element of the curve node is selected
- sweep curve changes from trueBlue plus open uv editor optional
- name curve from circle scripts - NURBS Circle
- name patch from primitive type - NURBS Plane, NURBS Torus etc.
- fix all cases where pe selection mode is altered by the tools
- extend curve - increase curve resolution and don't extend so far
- move patch and curve file buttons to the file menu
- requires new plugin version 1638426 for the file menu export options
- control point meshes added new button to select the nurbs nodes = trueBlue "Exit" button
December 16, 2020
- bug fix installer to make PickSelect script persistent
- lathe panel opens without overlapping other panels
December 15, 2020
- changed default color of curves to white
- incorporated UI changes by trueBlue
- removed select curve and select patch buttons from the NURBS nodes
- removed owner name node used for the render attributes - deprecated years ago
- locked the Matrix of the LODMesh(visible NURBS) so it can't move independent of the control mesh
- export the render attributes so the NURBS mesh visibility can be controlled
- freeze nurbs - remove left over name node (trueBlue contrib), replace the render attribute node
December 13, 2020
- new NURBS structures
- expanded toolset
October 30, 2020
- new NURBS patch beta scripts + plugin code
- curves option to use plugin code for tesselation
- new circle curves
- curve LOD node no longer left behind when transforming the group
- curve is selected after its creation
- installer opens the toolbar and uses updated toolbar reset list
August 7, 2020
- supports import of reflection type curve paths (T,t,S,s)
- reads files that contain a 1 line DTD header
- installer clears the recent files list
October 8, 2019
- sweep path works with rotated meshes
- autofacet/smooth on swept geometry
- possible improved cross section orientations
September 8, 2019
- bug animation at end of path eror
- ui cleanup by trueBlue
- fix ui swapped scale and offset
May 19, 2019
- new option to make curve points evenly spaced
- new animation position control
May 2, 2019
- enhanced add control point script does not alter the selection mode or tool
February 24, 2018
- persistent install v2 compatible
- compatible with new batch installer
January 14, 2018: widget install fix
January 7, 2018
- persistent installer
- new button to open the curves toolbar
- unique id for toolbar frame
- removed right click on polygon to curve button
- load curve bug: name already exist in scene
- load curve bug: mirrored in x
- load curve new: reads curve transform
- save curve bug: fixed trasnform
- sweep curve works with the new curve node from July 9, 2012
- LODin slider limited to even numbers to avoid spikes
- curve sweep bug: if uv editor not open then get random hard crashes
- curve sweep improved uv generation and no need to clear the mesh edit settings preserve unwrap
May 31, 2017
- dont add simple rectangle to freeze curves list
- new image tags working
- new option constant color materials
- css animation export checks and ignores disabled clips
- opacity only keys - fixed bug
- april 9 fixed a file path bug css anim export - weird should not have worked
- partially tested with new keyframes format from rsx plugin, release early because tied to new od_copypaste
March 4, 2017
- spikey representation fixed
- freeze curves keeps grouping relationships
- curve points no longer visible
March 10, 2017
- added Greensock javascript animation export
- added scale value to the ui
- option to break paths into seperate curves
- better text sizing
- buttons for fixing and flipping curve based polygons
March 5, 2017 - SVG improvements and CSS export
- fixed a path bug
- better color processing - added 3 digit hex and rgb() formats
- polygon import and improved ellipse and rounded rectangle polygon modes
- import color and transparency
- curves as polygons improvements
- expose transparency for easy animation
- import as curves then freeze and add pivots
- import viewbox representation
- better random names for items without id
- import at increasing z value to overlap properly in 3D space
- freeze curve maintains hierarchy
- text import font, font size, font style and transforms
- will read style from parent group and apply to the children
- NEW - CSS animation export
April 5, 2016 - read small exponential values as zero instead of just failing
November 21, 2015 -
- reads svg files and only saves cob format files
- supports the new curve close flag
- saves curves to a single cob file instead of an scn file
Nov 21, 2015
- use new curve node with extra points centered
- closed curves
- head indicator does not interfere with editing
- svg file support and many curves export to 1 cob file
- easier to select the control points mesh for editing
- freeze curve has a cleaner result
- easy visibility controls
December 1 2012: unique button ids
July 9 2012 - Curves are encapsulated inside a group. The name of the group is assigned from the load script and the save scripts use the group name for the curve name. To rename a group, select the curve in the 3D view and press the up narrow key once to select the group. To edit a curve select it in the 3D view. It's name will be "controlPointMesh". If the "LODMesh" is selected use the left or right arrow keys until controlPointMesh is selected. Once a curve is selected the left and right arrows can be used to select the curve shaper node and it's controls will show in the panel view.
June 17, 2012 - bug fix for the points to curve widget, had mouse drag instead of mouse click node
June 3, 2012
- save curves to truespace cob and scn files
save multiple curves to multiple cob files or to a single scn file
January 16 2012: bug fix for the sweep function which worked in one computer but failed in another. Made it more robust by breaking out a selection and a conversion into seperate script nodes so the scene can update more consistently.
January 8, 2012
- old version was uploaded(fixed)
- new automatic installer
- installs to a NURBS toolbar instead of the Custom toolbar
October 9, 2011 - reads bezier curves from TurboCAD(v14) dxf files