Mesh Origin Panel
- Origin To Object - move the origin to the center of the mesh vertices or group.
- Object To Origin - move the mesh vertices or group center to the origin
- Origin To PE Selection - move the origin to the point edit selection
- Set Origin Widget - use a widget to select the point and snap on exit
- Widget Set Snap Point - use a widget to select the point for snapping
- Set Snap Point - save the object location or point edit selection for snapping
- XYZ - point to snap to, manual entry or set from Widget or Set Snap Point
- Origin to Snap Point - move the origin to the previously selected point.
- Apply Scale Rotation - set rotation to (0, 0, 0) \ apply scale then apply rotation in 1 step
- Apply Translation - set translation to (0, 0, 0)
- Apply Scale - set scale to (1, 1, 1) and shear to (0, 0, 0).
- Toggle Origin Display - turn the display of the origin indicator off and on
Axis Aspect
- Origin to Pivot - flatten the axis
- Pivot to Origin - move pivot to the origin
dialog gives the option to remove the pivot
- The mesh origin is not visible in the standard trueSpace object navigation widget.
- Apply Translation has some drift when used with shear values in the matrix
- These tools are not for use with parented objects. Unparent first.
- Works with simple group objects - no groups made up of other groups
- The Apply functions are similar to freeze transform script but does not use or depend on the axis tool.
- when apply scale rotation get 2 dialogs asking same question
- dev: discovered that script cannot be used to control the Dialog settings unless previously the option of Do not show again and the yes button is pressed.
Dialog settings is modal so can't use SendKeys to work around it.
September 7, 2024
September 7, 2024
- works with Shape nodes, not just Editable shape nodes
- flatten nodes questions instead of conversion to editable meshes
- added pivot tools aspect
- snap location inputs/display
- restore pe selection mode
- new widget tool sets origin on exit - new button "Set Origin Widget"
- 3d groups only allow simple 3d groups
- rename button "Set Snap Point Widget" to "Widget Set Snap Point"
- rename button "Snap Origin" to "Origin to Snap Point" - UU calls it "Origin to Set Point"
- new check to not run on parent objects - WldMatrix connected to the OwnerMatrix of another object
- add close snapping so button highlights for edge case of snapping then changing to origin widget control
- fix change group test to 3dgroup test
- added checks for actors, mesh simplifier, dimensions, nurbs
July 4, 2024
- updated installer
- use standard floating panel script
- higher contrast text on panel buttons
October 6, 2022
- rewrite to use Oct 2022 Global Function Set changes
- better panel alignment on opening
- UU9 compatible install
April 24, 2022
- works with simple groups
- system based alerts dont get covered by tS window
- uses new Global Function Set
August 30, 2021
- update installer
- added origin toggle from the UU version
June 26, 2021
- snap origin preserves the original rotations and scales
- new apply translation, rotation and scale
June 25, 2021
- new origin to point edit selection
- undo friendly code - takes a few steps
- removed redundant header label
January 9, 2021
- works with new NURBS objects
- selection validation for tS selection bug
- new widget based point selection
July 16, 2020
July 15, 2020
- OriginToMesh works with multiple selections
- MeshToOrigin works with multiple selections
- Snap Origin works with multiple selections
- Fixed major bug in Select Snap Point script used in PE mode.
- Added a Snap point readout for Select Snap Point
- installer will clear the recent files lists
Old information here:
The origin can be seen with the Centered Object Widgets - objectnavONW78.html - as an orange center shape.
New - the origin display can be added to all widgets - Origin Widget.
This widget also adds the ability to scale about the origin point and set the origin location based on the point edit selection.
April 18, 2020