original model inside trueSpace
model inside ut3 test map - Scorpion shown in the background
click for video - 1Mb, wmv, 15sec
modeling the vehicle
Update: April 12 2009, use psk/psa plugin for trueSpace instead
of Collada
This page is a documentation of the steps I took to get a
driveable vehicle into Unreal Tournament 3(ut3) game using
trueSpace7.6 for modeling and animation. The vehicle is
based on the Roamer from the 70's Saturday morning show called ArkII. As I
learn more I plan to update this document.
Build the vehicle facing in the +X direction with wheels on the
ground plane. The wheels need to be modeled at their
maximum extension downward from the vehicle to allow for
compression simulated shocks inside unreal.
I try to
avoid the pivot tool since it can throw the export result off.
While developing the textures I found that the
texture compression option on the Inputbitmap node can be a bad
thing and it can throws colors off creating a lot of noise. A
transparency map was also created but I later found out the the
ut3 scorpion vehicle templates didn't support transparency maps.
The uv map can not have overlapping areas for the normal map to
work properly. I generated normal maps for the tires,
seats and a few other areas and combined the result in photoshop.
The normal map generator failed to produce a proper map in some
cases. The solution was to take the mesh into model side,
do a point edit with undo. I combined all the meshes into
one mesh after the normal mapping was complete. Make sure
there are no stray vertices by selecting all the faces, convert
the selection to vertices, invert the selection and delete.
trueSpace normal mapper
script and notes