Updated notes for UE4 v4.23.0, Creating Plugins with Unreal4 videos
video 03
don’t create file folder structure, instead
Edit > Plugins > New Plugin
blank template …
edit CoolPlugin.uplugin and change “RunTime” to “Editor”
edit CoolPlugin.Build.cs and add private dependencies
Use the files created by the New Plugins process, CoolPlugin.h and CoolPlugin.cpp instead of Module.cpp and Module.h
Skip creation of PCH file? – looks like something is built in already?
video 04
Edit > Editor Preferences, General > Miscellaneous, check Display UI Extension Points – shows that “WindowLocalTabSpawners” does not exist, so use “WindowGlobalTabSpawners” instead
replace #include “Slate.h” with
include “SlateBasics.h”
include “SlateExtras.h”
LOCTEXT_NAMESPACE already exists from the New Plugins process
change all references from “Module” to “FCoolPluginModule”
place new code inside the LOCTEXT_NAMESPACE define
video 05
place CoolWindow.h before CoolPlugin.h inside the CoolWindow.cpp file
video 06 – nothing
video 07
first error is for ATriggerBox – search unreal online docs for ATriggerBox – api says #include “Engine/TriggerBox.h”
add #include “Engine/TriggerBox.h” to the CoolPlugin.h file
error – cannot convert from FString to FText
CoolWindow.h change FString GetBoundsActorName() to FText GetBoundsActorName()
CoolWindow.cpp the same change and wrap the return values with FText::FromString(xxx)
error – iterator wont work, undefined class TActorIterator, ATriggerBox already has include so should be ok
search docs for TActorIterator says #include “EngineUtils.h”
add #include “EngineUtils.h” to the CoolPlugin.h file
error – cannot convert TIndirectArray to TArray
hover on GEngine->GetWorldContexts() shows that it returns a TIndirectArray not an TArray – so change TArray to TIndirectArray
video 08
convert FString to FText error for GetAlleySpaceText, wrap return value with FText::FromString(xxx)
video 09
error – UCubeBuilder not defined, search docs shows UBrushBuilder, with a link to UEditorBrushBuilder and now can see a UCubeBuilder link, finally UCubeBuilder says #include “Builders/CubeBuilder.h”
add #include “Builders/CubeBuilder.h” to the CoolPlugin.h file
error – GetBrush is not member of UWorld, so replace GetBrush with GetDefaultBrush
strange FText conversion error const Othertype to FText::EInitToEmptyString, error from file Attribute.h
output console error points to the .Text(FString(TEXT(“Build”)))
replace with .Text(LOCTEXT(“Build”,”Build”))
and now the whole thing works with ue 4.23.0