The script command Physics.Impulse has max XYZ values of 100. Higher values are ignored. This command only has a small effect on the object motion.
When working with script combined with the axis tool always flatten the axis back into the geometry.
The saturate node for materials does not load into trueSpace. It just gives an error.
RsApp.Help() command needs the xslt file found in the home directory in order to view the resulting xml files properly.
IK locks and IK handles attach to bones, not to joints.
A jscript object cannot properly read changes to a universal array connector if was changed from outside by a command script.
The params object can be used to stop down stream execution of command scripts via params.SetTerminationFlag()
When editing a morph target it seems best to set mesh editor auto triangulation setting to “None” .
Linear interpolation works best for IK skeletons to prevent sliding.
Space.Unselect() command will change 3D selection behavior. Before run 3D view select will select members of a 2D group. After run the 2D group will be selected instead of one of it’s 3D members.
Rough Node Connector Notes
OnLoadDefault – not in script
OnDefaultValue – called when connector is created, maybe can use to save copy of default value of conn to read later
OnSetValue – object node only, called before value is saved on connector. after value is set all connected connectors will be set “invalid”
OnInvalidate – do something if marked as invalid
OnGetValue – object node only, for intensive calculations, is run only when value is requested not when any input changes(OnComputeInputs)
Activity.ToggleAutoRun(source node, enable) – enable false is off, enable true is toggle on/off? for command node only
Space.AutoRunActivities() will run all nodes that are setup with autorun, setup via ToggleAutoRun command or LMB hold icon of the command node and choose “Run automatically”
RtNotifyEvents travel up encapsulation tree to the rootnode, event can be captured by encaps coding
Commands can be run simultaneous shared mode if nothing in the graph changes – no evidence of this since almost everything I write will change the graph. Need test on some pure intensive calculations see if can run parallel (simultaneous shared mode ?== parallel)