truespace bugs(copied from wiki)

truespace 6.6

  • The truespace installers will work up to version 6.6 for windows7 64bit, but the service packs will not install. This may be true for win7 32bit as well. Workaround is to copy the folder directories from a machine that already has SP1 and or SP2 installed onto the unpatch truespace folders on the win7 machine. This is true for truespace and the conversion pak installers for the service packs.

truespace 7.6

  • The Soft Select custom profile image control has a bug in that it only sees the alpha channel not the color. So it needs a 32 bit image to work.
  • The Photoshop(psd), Tagged Image Format(tif) and Paint Shop Pro(psp) image formats do not load.
  • If you save an object from a material instanced scene and load it into a fresh scene it looks the same but the material has been corrupted and cannot be edited.
    • Workaround is to change material settings to No Instancing and uncheck Edit Material Directly then pick the object material and reapply it back onto the object to save the material definition within the object.


  • trueSpace 7.61 Save Workspace Animation to file – going to Model Space and using the Render Scene To File, selecting the Workspace option produces an stationary animation. Problem also shows as no motion in model space when scrubbing the workspace time line.
  • Activate wireframe, transparent, or wireframe + transparent display mode, remove all lights and add a spotlight. The result is that all meshes in the scene disappear unless they fall within the spotlight cone. **Workaround is to add an ambient light with black color.
  • Render Engine selection does not work in the Panel view, PhotoRender. In fact none of the render settings from the PhotoRender panel works.
    • Workaround is to use TS6 Files – Preferences panel to select the render engine and right click the corresponding buttons to change items like background color.
  • The workspace Spotlight shines in 2 directions.
    • Workaround is to turn off hardware shadow filter in the hardware settings dialog.
  • The Displacement Mapper panel image control is the same color as the panel background. Making it invisible. The image control is located to the right of the words “Height map”, so control click in that general area to load an image.
  • The Soft Select custom profile image control is the same color as the background and so invisible. It also has a bug in that it only sees the alpha channel not the color.
  • The Photoshop(psd), Tagged Image Format(tif) and Paint Shop Pro(psp) image formats do not load.
  • If you expand a Matrix or OwnerMatrix input and decide to remove the ExpandInMatrix node, you must disconnect it first or the item will not move in 3d space until the input is reset.
  • “Zoom to Fit All” for colors in the FCurve editor will cause a crash.
  • The windows xp animated screen character that appears when you do a search in Explorer(Windows Explorer not Internet Explorer) stops the truespace button tooltips from displaying. Select “Change Preferences” then choose “Without an animated screen character” to fix it.
  • Loading a context does not load completely.
    • Close truespace and open it and the context load will be complete.
  • If you save an object from a material instanced scene and load it into a fresh scene it looks the same but the material has been corrupted and cannot be edited.
    • Workaround is to change material settings to No Instancing and uncheck Edit Material Directly then pick the object material and reapply it back onto the object to save the material definition within the object.
  • The material picker for workspace does not work when switching to the camera view.
    • Workaround is to make some change to the scene after the switch to camera view. Point Edit something, move or scale something, add a new primitive.

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