script command for making node connectors Node.ConCreate('/Project/Space 3D/Cube', 'Note', 'string',2) 4 types of connector can be created: float, double, string, ulong double and float both create float connectors string creates a string connector ulong creates an unsigned integer connector so negative numbers are not possible there is no option to create boolean type connectors
Tag Archives: scripting
trueSpace Scripting Matrix
Matrix multiplication
last rotation
myMatrix.SetPitch(-90);// myMatrix = -90 deg pitch
(this is the second rotation)
myMatrix.Mult(rollMatrix);// rollMatrix * myMatrix => myMatrix
(this is the first rotation)
myMatrix.Mult(yawMatrix);// yawMatrix * myMatrix => myMatrix
myMatrix is yaw 22 deg then roll 13 deg then pitch -90 deg
Local matrix from world matrices
theMatrix = Node.Value(bindgroup + "/" + subNode, "WldMatrix");
parentMatrix = Node.Value(bindParent, "WldMatrix");
parInvert = parentMatrix.Invert();
//now theMatrix contains local instead of world
trueSpace Scripting Selection
Space.Select() – select multiple nodes from text string separated by semi colons, node paths in the list must not have leading spaces
Node.Selection() – returns a selection list with a semicolon delimination, but has leading spaces in each nodes path so needs to be adjusted to work with Space.Select
sel = Node.Selection(); selArray = sel.split(";"); re = /^\s/; // whitespace in first character position sel = selArray[0].replace(re,""); if(selArray.length > 1) for(i=1;i<selArray.length;i++) sel = sel + ";" + selArray[i].replace(re,"");
Node.Select – select one node