YafaRay Coated Glossy
- Diffuse -
Use Glossy
Color for Diffuse - Enable Glossy color for Diffuse.
Color - Diffuse color.
T - LMB - Texture Mapping / RMB - Settings.
Reflection - Amount of diffuse reflection.
T - LMB - Texture Mapping / RMB - Settings.
- Coated -
Color - Mirror color multiplier.
Reflection - Amount of reflection.
Index of
Refraction - Amount of reflection to the coated surface.
Receive Shadows - Surface will receive shadows.
Visibility - Visibility options:
- Normal - Render all.
- Invisible - Render only reflections and shadows..
- Shadow only - Render shadows only.
- No Shadows - Render without shadows.
Pass ID - Material ID used in the Render Pass.
- Specular -
Color - Glossy color multiplier.
T - LMB - Texture Mapping / RMB - Settings.
Reflection - Amount of glossy reflection.
T - LMB - Texture Mapping / RMB - Settings.
Exponent - Amount of blur in the glossy reflection.
T - LMB - Texture Mapping / RMB - Settings.
Anisotropic Specular - Enables Anisotropic Specular.
The Exponent value is divided into vertical and
horizontal components. By using a different value for each component. The
reflection will take an anisotropic oval shape.
U Exponent
- Amount horizontal reflection.
V Exponent
- Amount vertical reflection.
- Bump -
Export as Normal - Enable export as normal.
T - LMB - Texture Mapping / RMB - Settings.
D3D Preview - Creates a Bump/Normal Map D3D Preview.
The D3D Preview has no effect on the YafaRay render.