YafaRay Shiny Diffuse

- Diffuse -

Color - Diffuse color.
T - LMB - Texture Mapping / RMB - Settings.
Use Oren-Nayar - Enables the Oren-Nayer specular reflectance model.
Sigma - Oren-Nayer micro facet distribution parameter.
Emission - Adds brightness to the material regardless of lighting.
Does not actually cast any light into the scene.
Diffuse Reflection - Amount of Diffuse reflection.
T - LMB - Texture Mapping / RMB - Settings.

Per Material settings:
Receive Shadows - Surface will receive shadows.
Visibility - Visibility options:
  • Normal - Render all.
  • Invisible - Render only reflections and shadows..
  • Shadow only - Render shadows only.
  • No Shadows - Render without shadows.
Additional depth -Amount of raytracing depth.
Pass ID - Material ID used in the Render Pass.

- Transparency -

Transparency - Amount of transparency. [0-1]
T - LMB - Texture Mapping / RMB - Settings.
Transparency D3D Preview - Enables Transparency for D3D Preview.

Translucency - Amount of translucency. [0-1]
T - LMB - Texture Mapping / RMB - Settings.
Transmission Filter - Controls amount of tinting for light passing through the material.

- Specular -

Use Fresnel Refl. - Enables Fresnel reflection.
Mirror Color - Mirror color multiplier
T - LMB - Texture Mapping / RMB - Settings.
Specular Reflection - Amount of specular reflection.
T - LMB - Texture Mapping / RMB - Settings.
IOR - Index of Refraction. Controls the strength of the Fresnel effect.

- Bump -

Export as Normal -
T - LMB - Texture Mapping / RMB - Settings.
D3D Preview - Creates a Bump/Normal Map preview for the Workspace scene. 
The preview has no effect on the final render.

YafaRay Official Docs Shiny Diffuse